I Love My Food the Life of Corn Snake By Jake Brudz
introduction Hi I am a corn snake and this is all my book. Hear you will learn all about me and my life. [through out this book you will find bad jokes]
Physical appearance Hello again did you know that I am 30 feat long and I have forked toung. Did you know that I use my toung to smell. Did you know that my scales look like corn. Oh and my name is corney. Did you know that I shed my skin 3 or 4 times a year! Don’t worry I am harmless to people. Okay take 2. It’s a new day time to guard the corn field. Bye!
Habitat You can find snakes like me in the eastern united states. I live in Florida. I like to slither around in wooded groves, rocky hillsides, meadowlands, woodlots, barns, and especially in abandoned buildings.
Birth and Babies Hello again my name is Corny as you know. I wanted to tell you a little bit about when I was a baby. My mother laid 15 eggs but only 10 survived because 5 of them got eaten by predators. I was a very lucky one to survive. Since my mother doesn’t take care of the clutch once they are laid, we were all vulnerable to predators. It took my mom’s clutch 64 and a half days. Half of us were boys and the other half were girls out of 10 that survived. I was the smallest of the clutch! Only 10 inches! My mother must have laid