* What comes to your mind when you hear the words * FIXED * GROWTH * MINDSET * Write it down
* Find a partner * Stand up * Make a circle around the room * Look for someone with the same color hair as you * Share what you wrote down
-Carolyn Dweck
* Define the Growth Mindset * Understand how the brain works
Intelligence is fixed * Our intelligence doesn’t change * We are good at some things and no so good at other things
Intelligence can be developed * While we may have some natural gifting, we can get better in all areas * The more we do something, the better we get at it * Hard work, determination, resilience are key
* Watch clip * * Write down at least three things you want to remember from this video. * Write down any questions you have.
* Find a partner * Stand up * Make a circle around the room * Look for someone with the same color hair as you * Share what you wrote down
* Watch clip * Write down at least three (3) things you want to remember from this video. * Write down any questions you have.
* Find a partner * Stand up * Make a circle around the room * Look for someone wearing the same color clothes as you * Share what your wrote down
* Growth vs. Fixed Mindset: * * Will Smith *
* Video on Growth Mindset: * * Mindset by: Carol Dweck * Ms. De Witz – Instructional Coach * Efficacy Institute: * Curriculum Repository: Efficacy