ATTITUDE Bloom where you are planted.Bloom where you are planted. You have a choice to bounce back after your temporary setbacks, if you have a POSITIVE attitude.You have a choice to bounce back after your temporary setbacks, if you have a POSITIVE attitude. Attitude is a small thing which makes a big differenceAttitude is a small thing which makes a big difference
DIRECTION If you don’t know where you are going – NO ROAD can take you there.If you don’t know where you are going – NO ROAD can take you there. Write down your goals and focus your belief that it can be achieved – even if you are forced to take course corrections.Write down your goals and focus your belief that it can be achieved – even if you are forced to take course corrections. Success comes in CAN’S and not in CAN’T’SSuccess comes in CAN’S and not in CAN’T’S
VALUES Explore what is more valuable to you. May be its family, friends, work or anything else.Explore what is more valuable to you. May be its family, friends, work or anything else. Priorities changes as your grow older. Priorities changes as your grow older. Very important is value yourself and treat yourself as more precious gift from GOD to this worldVery important is value yourself and treat yourself as more precious gift from GOD to this world This self valuation makes you more positive in thinking.This self valuation makes you more positive in thinking.
INTERESTS Birds of same feather flock together. This is to say that if you are hanging with the WINNERS or the CAN DO mindset people, you are likely to adopt the same kind of thinking.Birds of same feather flock together. This is to say that if you are hanging with the WINNERS or the CAN DO mindset people, you are likely to adopt the same kind of thinking. Remember – “SUCCESS ALWAYS LEAVES CLUES”Remember – “SUCCESS ALWAYS LEAVES CLUES”
COMMITMENT Feelings may change but Commitment will not change.Feelings may change but Commitment will not change. If you had made a commitment towards your goal you will treat your failures as a stepping stone to your success.If you had made a commitment towards your goal you will treat your failures as a stepping stone to your success. Remember “Success is getting up one more time from your fall”Remember “Success is getting up one more time from your fall”
ENCOURAGEMENT Be an Encourager and comforter to friends who are feeling depressed.Be an Encourager and comforter to friends who are feeling depressed. You will feel the same words when you are also feeling depressedYou will feel the same words when you are also feeling depressed