IP address (IP) The world's telecommunications and the Internet there are general protocols for dealing between devices and servers to ensure connect properly and access information quickly and properly one of these protocols is a protocol (IP)
IP address The word (IP) is an abbreviation for the word for word internet protocol The function of this protocol to give each device number or address of its own (to give you the idea as an example for all of us phone number.. to send a message to Ahmed must know his number and send to his number so the message don’t go to Mohammed, a wrong person) as well as in the internet world there is the same idea... so ever person who can enter the Internet has own address so-called IP address..
Internet Protocol Version 4(IPv4) IPv4 Address consists of 32-bit Divided in four digit each digit containing a number from 0 to 255 and thus have a total 256 Each digit of these fields has 8-bit Each digit of these fields is called Octet The main form of the IP address is as follows : x.x.x.x, where x varies from 0 to 255 an example of IPv
Internet Protocol Version 4(IPv4) So that allowed us to give us about 4.3 billion IPs, But with the development of means of communication and the spread the Internet around the world, and with increasing number of people enter the internet around the world, so the IPs has been used and finished. And we need more IPs for new devises.
Internet Protocol Version 6(IPv6) IP Address consists of 128-bit Divided in 8 digit each digit containing a number or letter from 0 to FFFF and thus have a total Each digit of these fields has 16-bit IPv6 has about 340 trillion trillion trillion (or, 340,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000) IPs Every person around the world can get 5000 IPs an example of IPv6 2001:0db8:85a3:0042:1000:8a2e:0370:7334
Internet Protocol Version 6(IPv6) What are the benefits and what will affect us ? The new version of this protocol will benefit many in the number of machines associated with the Internet and mobile phones as control systems to homes, tablets and much allowing us to rapidly evolving Smart Systems connected to the Internet and remote control
Internet Protocol Version 6(IPv6) How we can move to IPv6 ? You will not feel any change in the internet connection or browsing or normal use of the Internet... except in the case that the modem or network device or operating system that you have an old does not support this new type of titles.. Note: Mostly all operating systems and browsers and computers support IPv6