The wonders of Cloning By: Joshua Noyce
Human Cloning Pros- Human cloning can keep our species from going extinct. If we clone humans the clones can be organ donators so that less people will die. Also by cloning humans the clones can fight our wars so that less people die in wars. Cons- By cloning humans the clones might turn evil and kill everything. Also there is such a low chance that clones will survive the process of cloning and even If they do survive there is no guarantee that the clones will survive.
Animal Cloning Pros- Animal cloning is good because it would help to repopulate endangered species. It would also help animals such as beef cows to not get diseases and become higher quality food. By cloning animals scientist can create important proteins. Cons- I found that be cloning things it reduces our ability to adapt. When we clone animals it evolves many painful procedures that even might kill the animal. Also If we clone animals it might result in overpopulating a species.
Food Cloning Pros- Cloning food could result in world hunger no longer existing and less people will die because of there being enough food for everyone. Food cloning makes plant food more predictable. Cons- If you clone a plant that carries a disease than all the clones will have the disease
My opinion on cloning (is it ethical?) Human Cloning- I believe human cloning should not be done because to clone something there are many painful procedures, there is such a low percent that the clone will survive, and it could result in everyone in the entire world looking alike. Animal Cloning- I believe that animal cloning is good because it will make it a lot easier to repopulate endangered species, it also will help create disease resistant livestock so that when we eat livestock there are no diseases in them, and scientists say that by cloning animals they can create essential proteins to human survival. Food Cloning- I believe food cloning is good because farmers will produce more food and as a result of this cloning food might be able to end world hunger. By cloning plant food it makes the food more predictable like how big a tomato is going to be.
Glossary- What does THAT mean?! Cloning- Cloning is the process of genetically copying something to be exactly like the first thing. Gene- Genes are linked to heredity and are in DNA. Human Cloning- Human cloning is the genetically copying a human to be exactly like the real human. Animal Cloning- Animal cloning is the genetically copying a animal to be exactly the species and animal. Food Cloning- Food cloning is the genetically copying a food to be exactly type of food.
My Xtranormal on cloning
Credits/Citations "What of Animal Cloning?" National Center for Biotechnology Information. Doug Hare, n.d. Web. 12 Mar "Cloning Fact Sheet." Cloning Fact Sheet. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program U.S. Department of Energy Genome Program's Biological and Environmental Research Information System (BERIS), n.d. Web. 12 Mar Musgrave, Ruth A. "Cloning." Scientific American Explorations 5.1 (2002): 14. Science Reference Center. Web. 12 Mar (for the video)