Banking Safely
PIN and Password Selection and Protection Select unique digits (number and letter combinations DO NOT SELECT your birthdate, telephone number or other easy to guess combination Memorize your PIN and Passwords Shield the keypad when entering your PIN Contact us immeditately if you suspect your PIN and/or card have been compromised
Tips for Fraud Prevention Check your monthly statements Keep your card in sight at all times Report lost or stolen cards immediately Never lend your card to ANYONE. Contact your wireless carrier if you lose your cellphone. Avoid unnecessary “swiping”.
How to Protect Yourself When Banking Online Never send confidential information via . Avoid using software that records your passwords Install and frequently update proven anti-virus software Never download or accept files unless you are confident of their authenticity Disable file sharing on your personal computer.
Security Tips for Online and Mobile Banking Memorize your passwords Always type in the Web address or use your bookmarks to access online banking Don not leave your computer unattended while signed on. Always sign-out when finished. Clear your browsers cache after each on-line session.
Joint Bank Accounts Two types of ownership Joint with right of survivorship Tenants in common
Joint with right of Survivorship Either can give instructions or transact on the account. Upon death of one of the account holders the ownership automatically transfers to the surviving person.
Tennants in Common Requires two signatures to withdraw or give instructions Upon death of either owner, the fractional ownership of the funds (ie 50-50) are disbursed through the estate.
Bank of Power of Attorney Must be prepared by a lawyer. Both parties must attend the Bank in order to sign the applicable documents.