document management system CADBase
modular concept drawing management part lists + ERP database language translation batch processing jobserver
CADBase basic key features complete data front end for the CAD-engineer file management numbering system revisions and releases communication with CAD and other programs... information system for other departments quick search file preview printing and plotting...
CADBase technical key features easy installation and configuration automatic defaults for most common functions Common viewer technologies Autodesk CAD-viewers low cost and perfect compatibility MS-Access compatible database data access from other application low cost and easy administration Interface to ERP – systems ODBC, SAP BAPI etc...
CADBase drawing management powerful search functions configurable tree view incremental search history search search for any database field thumbnail or detailed file previews thumbnails: fast detailed views: zoom, pan, plot, layers on/off etc... preview formats AutoCAD, Inventor, MS-Office, PDF, TIF, GIF, BMP etc...
CADBase drawing management Interfaces AutoCAD + Mechanical title blocks, part lists, external references... Inventor file properties, part lists, IParts, derived components... where-used list AutoCAD + Mechanical external references, images etc... Inventor parts, sub-assemblies, spreadsheets, images, derived parts in IPT, IAM, IDW, IPN
CADBase drawing management insert files into CAD AutoCAD + Mechanical - blocks, external references, images, part list items drawings Inventor - parts IParts and sub-assemblies assemblies - parts assemblies and presentations drawing views - Parts, assemblies derived parts - assemblies presentations
CADBase part lists supports AutoCAD, Mechanical and Inventor standards extracts list from CAD manually add, remove and edit list items structured list with chapter titles list spanning several drawings filtered output update information from ERP database free configurable export and print format
CADBase language translation supports arbitrary number of foreign languages instant translation of CAD files, PDF and Excel translates text, mtext, dimensions, block attributes, in drawing, blocks and external references uses wild cards for numbers and formulas based on a learning database export untranslated items to translation list
CADBase batch processing batch functions - translation of PDF, XLS, DWG etc... into foreign languages - print / plot - create digital output (DWF, DXF, PDF...) - copy files to target folder - programmable user functions - extract AutoCAD title block information and Inventor properties plots each particular drawing frame with correct scale and format
CADBase batch processing supports DWG, IDW, PDF, XLS, TIF, GIF, BMP, JPG etc... supports SSL plotter language easy job creation and definition - automatic by ERP interface - transfer file list from part lists - manually by file selection or drag & drop
CADBase jobserver runs on a dedicated job server computer jobs are defined and edited on a client workstation and then passed to the jobserver for processing application software for native file processing (e.g. AutoCAD, Inventor, Adobe Acrobat...) not needed on client computers client computers are instantly available for other tasks message to client informs about finished job and job status
CADBase development on the German market since 1998 English Beta version available (setup + help in German) final version available by Sept downloadable from free download for all minor updates and sevice releases local dealers welcome
CADBase pricing first licenceadd. licence drawing management 1250 US$ 500 US$ part lists 940 US$ 440 US$ language translation 1625 US$ 625 US$ batch processing 625 US$ 250 US$ jobserver 2500 US$ pricing without VAT