ICT Driving Licence at the University of Helsinki: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Study Fields Tiina Heino Päivi Helminen 31 March, 2009 Helsinki University Libraries
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen2 Contents of the presentation Background Coordination and participants ICT Driving Licence: its structure and contents Evaluation of the project Case: Cooperation with teachers at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Case: ICT Driving Licence at the Medical Faculty
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen3 University of Helsinki Campuses in Helsinki Helsinki 11 faculties 10 libraries almost new students per year students
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen4 University of Helsinki Kumpula Campus Faculty of Science students 7 000, staff Kumpula Science Library Viikki Campus Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Faculty of Biosciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Vetrinary Medicine students 6 400, staff Viikki Science Library Meilahti Campus Faculty of Medicine students staff HUCH National Library of Health Sciences City Campus Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences students , staff National Library Undergraduate Library five faculty libraries
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen5 ICT Driving Licence – Why? Bologna process The reform of the degree structure (two cycles) Started autumn 2005 Necessary ICT knowledge and skills for all new students The effective use of educational technology The effective use of electronic library Official and systematic 3 ECTS (common & faculty tailored together)
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen6 ICT Driving Licence – Who? A shared project of the University of Helsinki Project Coordinator Staff from all faculties (11) Teachers Support persons for educational technology Faculty and campus libraries IT Department Open University, University of Helsinki
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen7 ICT Driving Licence – What? Common learning material plus faculty tailored part Learning material: 1. Introduction to the use of computers 2. The computer environment at the University of Helsinki 3. Modifying and presenting data 4. Information seeking ” Learning goals: the new student will be able to -use the collection catalogues and other information sources at the libraries -acquire search techniques that will make student’s work more efficient -analyze the results and utilize the information in accordance with the principles for good academic practice” 5. Data security and privacy protection
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen8 4. Information seeking Contents: 1. Planning the information search 2. Finding material from the HELKA libraries (the libraries at the University of Helsinki) 3. Seeking information about a specific subject 4. Utilising and evaluating search results National Project for Studying Plan for Information Literacy ICT Driving Licence made it possible to integrate the information literacy into the curriculum of the first year students in every faculty =>
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen9 Recommendation for universities for including information literacy competency in the new degree structures III Master’s level studies: Information literacy in advanced level studies: integrated into the Master’s thesis seminar II Bachelor’s level studies: Information literacy in intermediate level studies: integrated into the proseminar/Bachelor’s thesis seminar I New students: Basics in information literacy: (part of compulsory general studies, e.g. part of ICT studies) Integration into the curriculum Deepening IL- skills,by using them actively as a tool for theacademic studies
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen10 ICT Driving Licence – How? Learning material (produced together) Entry level tests and final exams (examination) Questions and tasks produced together in Moodle (virtual learning environment): -Questions and tasks are in continuous development process (focusing, targeting, measuring skills) Teaching sessions Faculty tailored part Support material for the teaching staff
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen11 Self-learning Material Entry Level Test (Moodle VLE) Monitored Examination (Moodle VLE) (obligatory in all faculties) Components of the ICT Driving Licence Library Tour & Hands-on Session
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen12 Evaluation of the project: Strengths (SWOT) 1 Support from university leaders Participants Heterogenous groups Enough time to prepare Clear, common goal Favourable towards development in their own work Productive discussions, constructive critisism Timing continuing…
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen13 … Strengths 2 (SWOT) Big university Minimizing overlapping work …continuing Need for common work Need for shared work and shared costs Not-doing becomes visible Need for homogenization
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen14 Weaknesses (SWOT) Some faculties and institutions No teaching personnel with ICT and pedagogical skills Big university Different kinds of IT systems No IT ’traditions’ in curriculum Difficult to plan and to teach Complicated IT systems Competition with their own curriculum
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen15 Possibilities (SWOT) Persons in different positions and tasks Synergy, power in cooperation Improvement of the quality in ICT teaching Different languages Shared IT knowledge Shared experiences Common, together produced learning material Libraries have the possibility to show what they have and what they can ICT skills for personnel
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen16 Threats (SWOT) Faculties’ commitment to guide and carry out the course Updating and keeping up with the time - the learning material Faculties’ commitment to the shared project Updating and keeping up with time - the curriculum
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen17 Experiences from the Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology Hands-on training session is embedded to the introductory course of the department. A team of eight teachers from the department teach the introductory course. Faculty teachers give assigments and participate in the information seekings sessions in the library. Faculty teachers have another information seeking session with each small group. Students write essays or prepare presentations in small groups of 6-7 students.
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen18 ICT Driving Licence at the Medical Faculty: 170 new students, divided into PBL-groups/10 persons each medicine and odontology students together first 2 years- pre- clinical studies) Compulsory ICT Driving Licence group sessions 1. ’START’ group session -Introduction to Blackboard etc. 2. Terkko and its services 3. Medline 4. SPSS-statistics (introduction) Optional sessions Word-text processing The computer environment at the University of Helsinki (medical faculty) Entry level tests and final exams in Blackboard (renewal possibilities)
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen19 ICT Driving Licence at the Medical Faculty
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen20 National Library of the Health Sciences – Terkko ’Terkko and its services’ group session: 10 persons/group -3 in Swedish à 2h 15 min 2 trainers Goal: practical use of library and its services: -e-journals, e-books, library catalogue, net dictionary etc. At the Medical Faculty ICT studies part of the curriculum also in previous years
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen21 Experiences at Terkko Mostly positive Medical curriculum: linear progress in studies Homogenous groups (mostly) Average IT skills good Timing OK Students’ activation important Positive experience
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen22 Challenges for the Future How to ensure funding and coordination in the future How to ensure the pedagogical soundness Do self-learning material and tests encourage students for further studying and learning How to keep up with changes in information environment How to get enough resources to update the learning material ICT Driving Licence for the staff
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen23 Further information ICT Driving Licence Helsinki University Libraries Information Literacy Network of Finnish University Libraries
University of Helsinki, Tiina Heino and Päivi Helminen24 Thank you! Contact: Päivi Helminen Viikki Science Library Tiina Heino National Library of Health Sciences