ACT Prep Course Windsor High School
Questions and Answers about the ACT 1.What is the main purpose of the ACT Transition to college College entrance 2. Other uses for ACT scores $$$ Freshman placement 3. How many times can you take the ACT? 4. How is the ACT scored? 4 tests: English, Math, Reading, Science Raw score Scale score FINAL SCORE (aka Composite), is the average
5. How does my score compare? Percentile chart 6. Why prepare? More college acceptance $$$ Better placement 7. How do I increase my score? Hard work in regular classes Test Prep Questions and Answers about the ACT
Assignment: Get out a sheet of paper, put your name on it, and answer the following questions: 1.Have you taken the ACT yet? – If so, what area did you struggle with the most and why? – If not, what area do you expect to struggle with and why? 2. Have you signed up for the ACT this semester yet? If not, do you plan on taking both the October AND December test? 3. What is math class are you currently in? If none, what was the highest math you completed? 4. What science class are you currently in? If none, what was the highest math you completed? 5. What is your biggest weakness in taking tests? (i.e. anxiety, take too long, rush and make mistakes…) 6. What would you like to get out of this course? Be specific! 7. How did you feel about the practice test? What did you struggle with? What did you do well?