Novelties 2009
Malachite Heuchera FSN Heavily curled green-leaved counterpart to Melting Fire Strong garden performance, good weather tolerance Easy growing, highly uniform Excellent for mixed combinations offers Prime Perennial Collection group 1 Sowing-potting 8-10 weeks Potting-selling 12-16 weeks Garden height 25-40 cm Garden diameter 30 cm FSN
Melting Fire Heuchera FSN Uniform and attractive Heuchera with curled red foliage The young leaves on a full grown plant are bright blood red, creating an exciting "hot" centre in each plant. Attractive foliage colour and texture, lasting all season long Easy growing and uniform plant quality, this seed variety is highly suitable for professional container production Seed alternative for tissue culture varieties Prime Perennial Collection® Group I PBR (kiecakrul) and Fleuroselect Registered Variety FSN
Heuchera Melting Fire Melting Fire < > Palace Purple
Delft Blue Lobelia valida Compact, sturdy and well branched plants Deep green foliage with toothed edges, succulent-like Resistant to broad weather conditions, wet as well as dry Intense blue flowers, self cleaning, long flowering Available as TunedSeeds® for easy and fast germination and emergence Prime Perennial Collection group 1 Sowing-potting 5-6 weeks Potting-selling 10-12 weeks Garden height : 40-50 cm Garden diameter : 30 cm Hardiness zone 5-9
Snowbells Penstemon hirsutus FSN Compact dark leaved Penstemon Rich- and free flowering Flowers white with touch of pink Fully first year flowering, short crop time For pot- or pack production Sowing-potting 6-7 weeks Potting-selling 8-9 weeks Garden height 15-20 cm Garden diameter 15-20 cm Hardiness zone 4-8 FSN
Patio Series Salvia patens FSN Compact (30 cm) Basal branching Sowing to flowering 12-14 weeks Easy to grow in pots Unique colours Great garden performance Uniformity comparable to vegetative types Prime Perennial Collection Group I Patio Lilac Patio Rose Pink Sky Blue FSN White Dark Blue
Starry Dreams Silene alpestris FSN Compact fresh green leaf-cushion Small starlike upward facing pure white flowers First year flowering Prime perennial Collection group 1 For pot or packproduction Sowing-potting 6-7 weeks Potting-selling 8-10 weeks Garden height 15-20 cm Garden diameter 20-25 cm Hardiness zone 5-8 FSN
Ballerina Series Armeria pseudarmeria Very early flowering as annual Excellent earliness overwintered High Uniformity and compactness Long lasting flower power Striking garden performance Prime Perennial Collection® Group I Ballerina Red Ballerina White
Dalmation Series Digitalis purpurea F1 FSN Early flowering High uniformity Short harvest window Good plant habit (well branched; compact foliage) Strong colour Good quality spike Suitable for 10 cm (4”) as well as large containers Fully first year flowering Prime Perennial Collection Group I FSN
Ellagance Purple Lavandula angustifolia Ice Sky Purple Highly awarded series Lavandula angustifolia Ellagance Purple Fully first year flowering Lavandula Large, densely filled spikes, great floridity Well branched bushy plants Short production cycle Outstanding garden performance Unmatched uniformity Includes the most sensational purple colour ever seen in Lavandula Excellent alternative to vegetative varieties Prime Perennial Collection® Group I Ice Sky Purple Highly awarded series
Buenos Aires TunedSeeds® Verbena bonariensis Buenos Aires TunedSeeds® Well known and -respected perennial Strong, square stems, grey leaved Purple-violet flower umbels First year flowering if sown early Drought tolerant Available as TunedSeeds® for fast and easy germination and emergence Sowing-potting 6-8 weeks Potting-selling 10-14 weeks Garden height: 100-120 cm Garden diameter 30 cm Hardiness zone 7-10
White Lancer Pennisetum macrourum Tall upright, tender perennial landscape grass Flowers first year with long, narrow white spikes Pale green leaves with silvery underside Drought tolerant, suitable for cutting Sowing-potting 6-8 weeks Potting-selling 8-12 weeks Garden height: 80-120 cm Garden diameter: 40-50 cm Hardiness zone 8-10
Phoenix Green Carex Sturdy upright narrow leaved sedge Bright green foliage Good heat tolerance, low maintenance For landscaping or mixed combinations and borders Trendy in solitary planters Garden height: 50-60 cm Garden diameter: 40-50 cm Hardiness: zone 6-8 Sowing-potting 6-7 weeks Potting-selling 10-14 weeks
Wi-Fi Isolepis Compact, soft green, narrow tubular leaved ColorGrass For in- and outdoor use, both pot- and packproduction Does well under various weather and garden conditions, best in wet spots Foliage and flowers resemble fibre-optic strands For mixed plantings and baskets, or as solitary indoorplant Offered as TunedSeeds, multipellets in development Sowing-potting 6 weeks Potting-selling 6-8 weeks Garden height 25 cm Garden diameter 25 cm
StarheadTM Juncus Compact broad leaved ColorGrass® Easy to produce, high usable plant % Attractive flower head, longlasting High germinating seed Available as SowEasy® Pelleted and multipelleted
Buffalo’s Gold Anemanthele long lasting landscaping power from late summer into winter Colour changes from fresh summer green to Winter gold Great heat tolerance low maintenance Garden height : 70 cm Spread : 60 cm Leaf colour : Green towards gold-bronze Habit : Erect, slightly pendulous tussock Garden habitat : moist, well drained, full sun Hardiness : 6-8
Colored Ornamental Grass from seed, since there is more than green! ColorGrass® is a well balanced collection of highly decorative ornamental grasses, now all available as TunedSeeds® seed, for easy germination. ColorGrass® brings you a selected line of easy to produce varieties , in a wide range of colors and texture. Suited for sales as single items but also very appealing in combination sales. Colored Ornamental Grass from seed, since there is more than green!
Picture – Variety Zone pot garden 1 Carex Red RoosterTM 7 30 60 Hard. Height(cm) Picture – Variety Zone pot garden 1 Carex Red RoosterTM 7 30 60 2 Carex BroncoTM 7 20 25 3 Carex Amazon MistTM 7 20 25 4 Carex CoppertopTM 7 25 60 5 Carex BronzitaTM 7 20 40 6 Carex Prairie FireTM 6 20 40 7 Corynephorus Spiky BlueTM 7 15 20 8 Festuca FestinaTM 4 15 25 9 Koeleria CoolioTM 6 10 20 10 Luzula LuciusTM 6 15 60 11 Luzula StarmakerTM 4 15 60 12 Stipa Pony TailsTM 6 25 35 12 1 10 6 9 2 7 3 5 11 4
Allure Series Alyssum maritimum Compact packperformance Well-branched plant habit Strong garden performance Unique range of colours Very uniform pastel mixture Available as SowEasy® Filmcoated White Rose Pink Lavender Pastel Mix Bronze Deep Purple Lemon Yellow
Matchmaker Series Cuphea ignea First series of Cuphea with 3 colours Very compact habit, long and richflowering Selfcleaning habit, wide climate acceptance Deep green shiny foliage Sowing-potting 3-4 weeks Potting-selling 8-10 weeks Garden height: 20-25 cm Garden diameter: 20-25 cm Matchmaker Pink Matchmaker White Matchmaker Scarlet
Dianthus hybrida F1 Panache Series
Kontiki® Series Gazania F1 Kontiki Series is the best bedding-type Gazania for professional use. • Early flowering on uniform planthabit • Strong floriferous garden performance • Short, dark green glossy foliage • No growth regulators required • Long opening hours • 90%+ usable plants Kontiki Violet Picotee Kontiki White Kontiki Orange Kontiki Stars & Stripoes Kontiki Yellow Kontiki Rose Kontiki Formula Mix
Gerbera F1 Revolution Micro Mini Standard Mega
Gerbera F1 Revolution® Superb seed quality => high % usable plants (90%+) Short cultivation period (15-16 weeks) High uniformity Compact well-shaped plant habit (11-13 cm pot) High percentage of top-quality plants Suitable for year-round production Wide colourrange Revolution®: the earliest potgerbera available Offered as SowEasy® seeds Pastel Orange Dark C Rose Shades Yellow/Green Centre Pastel Pink Sh./D.C. Yellow/Dark Centre Baby Pink Spring Pastels Red/Dark Centre Neon Rose Red Shades/Dark C Golden Yellow Shades Vanilla Shades Scarlet/Dark Centre Terracotta
Mega Revolution Gerbera F1 Mega Revolution® is specially developed for the larger container sizes (15 cm/6”up). It creates nice bushy plants with extremely large flowers. The Mega Mix contains red, scarlet, orange, yellow, white, coral-salmon, pink and rose shades, partly with a dark centre.
Mega Revolution® Gerbera F1 Golden Yellow/Dark Centre Mega Revolution® is specially developed for the larger container sizes (15 cm/6” up). It creates nice bushy plants with extremely large flowers. • flowers 20% larger than Gerbera Revolution® • offered as SowEasy® seeds • recommended for larger plug size production • Superb seed quality => high % usable plants (90%+) • High uniformity • High percentage of top-quality plants • Suitable for year-round production • Revolution®: the earliest potgerbera available Orange Rose Shades Champagne White Scarlet/DC Imp. Purple Shades Yellow Shades
Mini Revolution Gerbera F1 The new generation in genetically compact pot-Gerbera, succeeding the Mini Color series. Mix contains a wide range of colours, dark and green centred, including bicolour an semi-double-flowers. Mini Revolution® Red is the first separate colour to be released with more to follow soon! Improved plant habit shorter stem length Improved earliness Small flowered, most suited for 9-10 cm/4” containers Offered as SowEasy® Mini Revolution® White Mini Revolution® Yellow Mini Revolution® Red Mini Revolution® Rose Mini Revolution® Formula Mix
Micro Revolution Gerbera F1 Irish Eyes Mix Micro Revolution Irish Eyes is 100% greencentred and provides a wide range of colors, including many pastel shades andbicolors. It contains more than 50% double and semi-double flowers! For high density production, suited for 6-9 cm pots Ideal for growing in packs Very compact round shaped plants 3 to 7 (micro)flowered stems/plant Very short crop time Offered as SowEasy®
Salvia splendens Saluti Red Improved
Focus Series Tagetes patula nana Focus Deep Orange Focus Harmony Focus Red Focus Yellow Bee Focus Yellow Focus Flame Focus Gold
Promise Deep Blue/Blotch Viola wittrockiana F1 Promise Deep Blue/Blotch
Promise® Viola wittrockiana F1 High % usable seedlings Early in both Fall and Spring High programmability and uniformity Compact and floriferous Large Flowers Ø 8-9 cm Wide colour range Excellent garden vigour Good winter hardiness Sunset warm shades of Golden-bronze with bronze blotch Indian Summer Autumn shades with rose, pink and bronze tones, all with a darker blotch Pure White Outback Fire shades of red and gold with large black blotch
Promise® F1 Lemon Splash Pure Lilac Shades White/Blotch Antique Shades Yellow/Red Wing Deep Orange Primrose/Blotch Promise® F1 Yellow/Purple Wing Red/Blotch Beaconsfield True Blue Marina Blue/Blotch Yellow/Blotch Rose Shades Pure Silver Azure Pure Yellow
Garda Series Capsicum annuum Ornamental and edible garden pepper Long lasting colour display (3-4 months) Healthy green foliage, robust habit F-1 uniformity, high and easy germination Chandelier : covered with upright candle- like fruits, from white to red. Fireworks : branches explode into display of long slender fruits, from purple to striking red Garden height 40-60 cm Garden diameter 40-60 cm Sowing-potting 4-5 weeks Potting-sales 14-20 weeks Garda Chandelier Garda Fireworks
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