Applied Research Assignment BY: ANNE SCHERER
Human Resource Assistant (No Graduate School) Winston-Salem, NCAtlanta, GA Gross Pay$24,080$23,870 Net Pay$18,470.14$18, Monthly Net Income$1,539.18$1, I would be making more money in Winston-Salem and the cost of living is cheaper in Winston so overall I would have more spending power in Winston-Salem than I would in Atlanta.
Budget Winston-Salem, NCAtlanta, GA Housing $570 (Sherwood Station) $550 (The Darlington) Groceries $ $ Gas +Car Insurance $250 $300 Utilities Included Entertainment $100 $150 Cell Phone/ Internet $80 Health Insurance $50 Total1,359.24$ Remaining$179.94$ I would want to save left over money both for the long-term future and for other unforeseen expenses that are not shown in this budget.
Graduate School Cost Winston-Salem, NCAtlanta, GA School /Program Wake Forest/ Dual Degree M.Div. and Masters in Counseling Mercer University/ Masters in Counseling Graduate School Cost$35,364 total$6,300/semester % Subsidized75%0% Actual Cost per year$8,841$12,600 Program Length42 Total Cost$35,364$25,200 I would go to graduate school to get some kind of master’s degree in order obtain the required licensing to be a counselor in the respective state. I am not sure exactly how much I would be subsidized based on financial aid and scholarships. In order to get an exact cost, I would actually need to apply to the program. Potential Job Options: Minister, School Counselor, Mental Health Counselor, Abuse Counselor, Marriage and Family Counselor
Post- Graduate School Clinical, Counseling, School Psychologist Winston-Salem, NCAtlanta, GA Salary$40,670$39,970 Net Pay$30,274.66$29, Monthly Net Income$2,522.88$2, I would be making more in Winston-Salem than I would be in Atlanta, GA but my student loans are less by going to Mercer in Atlanta, GA than by going to Wake Forest in Winston-Salem, NC. I would be making a significant amount more by getting by graduate degree and it would be a shift in career. So when making my decision, it is not only a salary difference but a career difference.
Choice: I would chose to get a master’s degree from Mercer University in Atlanta, GA because it would take less time and be more cost effective even without any financial aid or scholarships. I would then work as some kind of psychologist in Atlanta, GA even though I would make a little less. I would be licensed in the right state and I want to live in Atlanta, a big city, more so than a smaller town like Winston-Salem. As I actually search for graduate school and job options beyond Wake graduation I will consider more than two schools in order to get the perfect program and apply to more than two jobs.