IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Human Resources Development for Nuclear Safety J. Bastos NSNI/RAS
IAEA 2 Nuclear Safety Infrastructure Safety standards Infrastructure for nuclear power Safety-related parts
IAEA 3 Introduction Training programme in the field of nuclear safety is needed for all organizations involved Should be considered from the beginning of the programme due to the long time-scales associated Requires the identification and analysis of what an organization is going to need in terms of competencies, number of staff and background; Anticipate to ensure that the right number of people in the right place at the right time
IAEA 4 Introduction It is not realistic to expect that an embarking country will implement a training programme to cover all the competencies required in the field of nuclear safety from the early phases However this should be a goal in the long-term Establishment of core competencies to ensure that the organization is an “Intelligent Costumer” Intelligent Costumer An organisation (or individual) that has the competence to specify the scope and standard of a required product or service and subsequently assess whether the supplied product or service meets the specified requirements.
IAEA 5 Phasing the Training Programme
IAEA 6 Phasing the Training Programme Phase 1 decision Phase 2Phase 3 call for tenderscommissioning Operation Before contract After contract IAEA plays a more relevant role Most of the training provided by the vendor and by the RB that have licensed a similar facility Signature of the Contract
IAEA 7 Phasing the Training Programme based on DS-424 Phase 1 Phase 2 Bid result Application for construction license First concrete Bid assessment Preparation of safety documentation Assessment by the RB Construction activities Issuance of the Atomic law Requirements needed for bid specification Bid preparation Site preparation Fuel delivery Issuance of the construction licence Phase 3 ~ 2 years~ 4 years~ 9 years Considerations as whether to embark on nuclear power Knowledgeable decision M1 Issuance of the call for tenders M2 Ready to commission M3 Site permit Establishing the basic regulatory framework Site Criteria
IAEA 8 HRD Assistance to Embarking Countries Policy formulation Supports the formulation of policies on HRD Institutional Competence Building Tools for training needs assessment Support through standardized training curricula Multi-media materials Training on subject matters of interest for embarking countries
IAEA 9 Training on subject matters of interest for embarking countries PURPOSE: Propose a framework for the implementation of E&T activities for embarking countries based on previous experience and materials available in NSNI (as much as possible) Consistent with the actions defined in DS- 424 Cover 3 phases
IAEA 10 Training on subject matters of interest for embarking countries Level 3 - Specific Expert Knowledge: It is intended to provide knowledge in support to specific tasks to be performed by the local organizations Level 2 - Specialized Knowledge: It is intended to provide detailed understanding of the areas important to nuclear safety Level 1 –Basic Training: It is intended to provide a broad overview of all the safety concepts and their application to nuclear power plants Phase 1 Decision Phase 2Phase 3 Call for tenders Commissioning Operation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
IAEA 11 Training on subject matters of interest for embarking countries Knowledge Level Training Topics Level 1 (Decision Makers, Managers) 1. Induction Course on Nuclear Safety Infrastructures (under preparation based on DS-424) 2. Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety Level 2 (Managers, Technical Staff) 1. Regulatory Control of Nuclear Power Plants 2. Safety Assessment 3. Site Evaluation 4. Safety Culture and Management Systems 5. Safety in the Design of Nuclear Power Plants Preliminary list
IAEA 12 Training on subject matters of interest for embarking countries Knowledge Level Training Topic Level 3 (Technical Staff) 1. SAR evaluation 2. Deterministic Safety Analysis 3. PSA level 1 4. PSA level 2 5. OLCs 6. Periodic Safety Reviews 7. Fuel Management 8. Ageing Management 9. Modifications of NPPs 10. Fire Safety Preliminary list
IAEA 13 Level 1- Induction Course on Nuclear Safety Infrastructures (2 weeks, probably December 2010) Purposes Intended to provide an understanding of the safety infrastructure needed in the different phases to ensure a safe and reliable nuclear power programme consistent with DS-424 an overview of the nuclear safety issues to be faced by a country embarking in a nuclear power programme from the early phases of the project to the decommissioning phase Target Audience Decision makers responsible to manage the nuclear power programme in Phase 1 (NEPIO) Future managers of the regulatory body, operating organization and other support organizations
IAEA 14 Nuclear Installation Safety Training Support