The Harlem Renaissance


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Presentation transcript:

The Harlem Renaissance ART Gallery Walk

Film Clip: Harlem Renaissance Discussion Question: What was the Harlem Renaissance and what was it’s significance?

What is it? The outpouring of African American art, music and literature during the 1920s.

Who was involved? African Americans Examples: Langston Hughes: best known poet of his time, wrote about the lives of working class blacks Zora Neale Hurston: African American author, wrote several books about the lives of blacks Marcus Garvey: encouraged African Americans to go “back to Africa” to find justice and equality

Where did it occur? Harlem, New York

When did it happen? From about 1920-1930 .

Why is it important? The Harlem Renaissance transformed African-American identity and history, but it also transformed American culture in general. Never before had so many Americans read the thoughts of African-Americans and embraced the African-American community's productions, expressions, and style.

ART Gallery Walk Directions You will be completing a gallery walk of the art and music of the Harlem Renaissance. First, walk around the entire room viewing all the art, poetry and literature. Also, take notice of the music playing in the background. Then choose SIX of your favorite pieces (including music) and complete the questions on your worksheet for each.

Directions; When the teacher calls on you, use one of the sentence frames to complete the sentence. Level 1: My favorite piece of art was __________ by ______________ because ________________. Level 2: The art of __________ and _________ were similar because ______________________. Level 2: The art of __________ and _________ were different because _____________________. Level 3: The Harlem Renaissance was significant because ________________________. Wrap-Up Whip-Around

The Harlem Renaissance Who Was involved? _____________ __________________ Examples: Langston _________best known poet of his time, wrote about the lives of _______ class blacks Zora Neale Hurston: African American ___________, wrote several books about the lives of blacks Marcus Garvey: encouraged African Americans to go “______ to _______” to find justice and ____________. What is it? The outpouring of _______________________ American art, _____________ and literature during the _______s. Where did it happen? __________________________________________________________ Why is it important? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When did it happen ? __________________________________________________________

The Harlem Renaissance Art Gallery Walk Directions: Choose your six favorite pieces of art , poetry, literature or music and complete the questions below. Title of Art _____________________________ Type of Art ____________________________ Artist __________________________________ Describe this piece of art or music. 2. How does this piece of art make you feel? 3. What do you think is the artist trying to express in this piece of art?