Energy Diagnostics 4 1
Energy Modeling Software simulates energy efficiencies Compares systems Creates 3-D models with variables like location, orientation, shade and climate 56-57
HEED–Home Energy Efficient Design Free download Four factors : LocationBuilding typeSq footage# of stories Home Energy Efficient Design 57-58
Energy Survey Simplest is a walk-through Purpose: To identify problems that may impact comfort and health. Report includes recommendations on cost and scale of improvements available programs
Energy Assessments and Audits Confirm: What is included in the report and how is it conducted? Assessment includes: – Where and how energy is wasted – Air flow, leakage – Energy consumption – Moisture – Recommendations 59-60
Blower Door Test Determines energy loss through doors. Sucks air out of house – measures pressure loss. 61
Duct Blaster Test Measures air loss within the ductwork. Measures amount of pressure that can be maintained before pressure is lost. 61
Thermographic Scanning Infrared technology determines leakage such as insulation gaps. Most accurate testing is with a thermal imaging camera. 61
Video Home Energy Test with Energy Star Video 61
More Tests Coheat test Measures heat loss and distribution Balometer hood Measures temperature and humidity in supply and exhaust of HVAC diffusers and grills Power meter Measures consumption and intermittent loads of appliances PFT (perflourocarbon test) air filtration Measures air leakage and pollutant sources 62
Building Energy Tools Whole Building Energy Performance HEED Energy Plus DOE-2 Building Design Advisor Energy-10 SPARK Validation & Testing Bestest Standards Compliance: REScheck (formerly MECcheck) COMCheck-EZ CONCheck- Plus Fenestration RESFEN Window Therm 62
Finding an Energy Professional Start with local utility companies Commercial buildings require analysis based on certified standards Add Energy Evaluators to your professional network Maintain a list of types and inspections and sample reports Check references before adding to your professional network 63
Standards and Benchmarks The combined code is ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA IESNA—Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, ASHRAE—American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, ANSI—American National Standards Institute, Combination of these standards = common energy code by the International Codes Council and ASHRAE
When to Recommend Pre-purchase inspections May result in improved marketability or Cause for additional inspections Required if owner is seeking certification (LEED or Energy Star) Renovations or retrofitting 64
DIY Energy Evaluation It is not a replacement for professional evaluation It is useful to determine possible cheap or simple repairs 66
Symptoms High energy bills Mold, mildew moisture (windows, peeling paint, odors ) Cold floors, drafty rooms Ice dams Dry air Further Study 66
Testing for Air Leaks Use an incense stick, or damp hand 68
Using Energy Data in Marketing Energy efficiency effects marketability and value. Use: – MLS fields – Supporting materials (reports, certifications, receipts) – Photos – Labeling – Service contracts 68