Magnetic Shield By: Eric Stewart, Jessica Naslund, Ayanna Carter, and Ryan Townsley
Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day.
The Magnetic Shield could prevent every single one of these crashes. Every Magnetic Shield bumper has a negative charge. This creates a bubble in between every car that is installed with a shield. In the event of a crash, this will prevent collision from ever occurring.
Type Of Business We are a corporation
Financing: -Our company needs $6,000,000 to start production for our Magnetic Shield. -A prototype was made for the 2015 Ford Focus Sedan. -Our company is currently using short-term financing. -Intermediate financing will occur in the next 3-5 years. -When most companies are buying our product, within 5-10 years we will be using long-term financing, giving us ability to go public and aquire corporate bonds.
Cost-Benefit Analysis: -The cost to make each magnet is $50. -We will sell each bumper for $500 each, giving us a $450 profit. -With the $6,000,000 we receive, we are projected to produce approximately 120,000 bumpers within our first year. -Within the first year, our expected revenue will be $54,000,000. -After 5 years, we will make around $3,000,000,000.
Industry The car companies are all apart of an Oligopoly. So getting their attention might be tricky but considering that our product can improve their car safety and is a one of a kind we know that they will be interested.
● We will market to major car companies like GM or Tesla with the promise of a safer car and better ratings. ● Because of our specialized market there is no competition at all Marketing
Market Magnetic Shield will sell to different car companies to install into their cars. We have contracts with Ford, Chevrolet, and Volvo so far. We are working on getting it into aftermarket car accessory stores so that customers can get it installed in their cars.
Road crashes cost USD $518 billion globally, costing individual countries from 1-2% of their annual GDP. ( Could’ve been prevented with Magnetic Shield ) Road crashes cost low and middle-income countries USD $65 billion annually, exceeding the total amount received in developmental assistance
Advertising Tv and radio commercials Magazine ads Radio advertisements
Operation Our business will have its own building for the employers in Clackamas, Oregon. This will be separate from the factory where Magnetic shields are made.
Buy the Magnetic Shield, and save a life.