Commercials for Advertising What makes a great commercial? I tried to find commercials that are not currently on the air. If you think you have some favorites, them to me!
Watch this commercial. Then discuss with the class what is effective. Gatorade Commercial
Why Did They Make So Many of These Commercials? Watch and Discuss. E Trade
What is the Point of this Commercial? View and Discuss. Bridgestone
Another Gatorade Ad Dwayne Wade Did you enjoy this more than the first ad? Why or why not?
Like Mike Be Like Mike This commercial was made over ten years ago. Why does it still sell Gatorade today? Discuss.
What Works? View and Discuss. Anti-Smoking Commercial from Thailand
What Does Jeep Want You to Associate with its car? 66 Years
Pepsi Michael Jackson What is your favorite part of this commercial?
What Works? View and Discuss. Geico
Do You Get This? Netflix
Can Jimmy Play? Jimmy/Gatorade
Watch the Story! Bridgestone beaver Bridgestone Bridgestone Squirrel
Which Evian do you Prefer? Evian Babies Evian Roller Babies Evian Break Dancing Baby
Current Commercial (Thanks, Perrin!) Chevy Military Commercial
What makes this a persuasive ad? Smart Car
What technique has been utilized? Select Harvest Lite Select Harvest Lite
What makes this Jeep commercial so appealing? Jeep Singing Animals
Japanese McDonalds
Humane Society
My Little Pony
Barbie Potty-Training Puppy
Pepsi Chinese Monks
1970s McDonald's Commercial
Verizon vs. AT&T commercial
Take a minute and reflect on the commercials you viewed today. Which commercials were most memorable? Why? Please turn and talk with your neighbors.