Digital Microfluidics Control System II P15610 Complete Detailed Design
Agenda ● Housing ● Output Board ● Input Board ● Signal Generator ● Amplifier ● Power Supply ● Complete Bill of Materials ● Gate Review o Project Status o Risk Assessment o MSDII Project Plan o Individual Contribution o Action Items/Notes
Subsystem Specifications
Sample Comparison
CAD Models
Exploded View Component Mountings; Enclosure-to-Enclosure: Screws with Standoffs Electrical Ports: Wall mounts with screws Fan and Fan Guard: Screws Power Supply: Screws Vent Grommets: Epoxy
●Standard 60mm CPU fan will be required in order to cool the interior of the housing. ●Protect the electrical components of the system from overheating. ●Controlled by system temperature. ●The fan will be mounted on the back side of the middle enclosure, as shown. Cooling and Grounding The critical components of the grounding system will be a 104-PR-5A Miniature Circuit Breaker. This will provide a central overcurrent protection for all system components.
Test Plan ●Continuity testing will be performed throughout the components of the housing to ensure components are fully grounded. ●The fully assembled system will be run while the fan is operating at its available speed. The internal temperature of the system will be monitored until it reaches steady state, along with the power draw of the fan. a.Ideal Temperature < 60 degrees C b.Ideal Power Draw < 10 Watts ●Housing will be emptied of electrical components, placed on a scale, and weighed. Overall dimensions of the housing will be measured and the total volume will be calculated. a.Ideal Weight < 15 lbs b.Ideal Volume < 2000 in^3 ●Emptied housing will be fully disassembled and reassembled by single person while being timed. a.Ideal Time < 5 minutes Parts necessary ●Digital Multimeter ●Tape measure ●Scale ●Thermocouples Housing: Test Plan
-Output Board is identical to the DropBot board -BOM double-checked -PCB layout companies researched -Functionality determined -Input Board has been updated: -Additional parts created, BOM updated -PCB to be created; test plan and risks updated -Additional functionality confirmed in simulation Input/Output Boards
Output Board: PCB layout
● Takes amplified signal from amplifier chooses which pin on DMF chip to apply high voltage ● Consists of: o HV Solid State Relays o Shift Registers (Load pin positions to apply voltage to) o Control Mechanism (ATMEGA) Output Board: Functionality
ATMEGA Shift Register Off Board 40 HV Relays DMF Chip
Input Board: Functionality
5KOhm/200pF load: 4.91V mag. Output mag = 4.9KOhms 25KOhm/1pF load: 1.64V mag. Output mag = 24.9KOhms Rise time ~15ms
Input Board: Functionality 15KOhm/50pF load: 2.485V mag. Output 15KOhm/51pF load: 2.487V mag. Output Magnitude granularity: ~2.5mV/pF = 2pF
Input Board: Functionality 15KOhm/50pF load: 18.0 degrees phase delay (left) 15KOhm/55pF load: 16.2 degrees phase delay (right) Angle granularity: ~18mV/pF = 0.28pF Note: green = read signal before phase shift red = amplified measure signal
-Absolute values of measured capacitances ranged from 30pF to 170pF -Capacitance changes over time in the minutes -Capacitance differences sub-1pF -Resistance ranged from 5KOhms to 25Kohms Input Board: Previous Data Graphs from Dr. Michael Schertzer “Automated detection of particle concentration and chemical reactions in EWOD devices”
-Signal Generator Board is identical to DropBots -BOM is updated to current supplier -PCB is to be created -Functionality is to be determined -Amplifier -BOM is updated -Functionality confirmed with simulations assuming low capacitive load and high resistance Signal Generator / Amplifier
Signal Generator: PCB Layout
- (+)9 V p-p from signal generator amplified to 120 V p-p between ~ kHz Amplifier Functionality
- Simulated with a 600uH Resonant Converter Transformer Amplifier Functionality
-Cosel +/- 15 V 1.7A -Cosel +5 V 2A Power Supplies
20Design%20Documents/Combined%20BOM.xlsx Combined Bill of Materials
Gate Review (Project Status) Completed Deliverables: -Defined problem statement -Defined engineering requirements -Defined required functions -Evaluated possible design solutions -Decided on overall design -Designed subsystems -Performed risk assessment - Created test plans - Demonstrated proof of concept via simulations and expert discussions - Generated BOM & evaluated costs ($600 under budget) - Documented information on EDGE - Reviewed design with customer - Ordered parts for housing subsystem
Risk Assessment Comparison PreviousCurrent
Project Plan for MSD II
Patrick Crilly MSD I Accomplishments -Effective team leader -Created/Updated necessary documents -Kept Project Edge page up-to- date -Contributed to the design of the housing -Team Project Plans MSD II Responsibilities - Assist in the construction and completion of housing - Integrate other subsystems into housing - Order remaining parts for housing - Ensure team is on task - Prepare for Imagine RIT demonstration - Documentation to Edge
Zachary Heifferon MSD I Accomplishments -Assisted in concept generation and selection -Created part CAD models -Created assembly models -Created manufacturing drawings MSD II Responsibilities - Confirm component dimensions - Review/update drawings as needed - Assist in manufacturing - Assist in assembly - Develop Imagine RIT presentation documentation
Kenneth Bean MSD I Accomplishments -Contributed to design of multi-enclosure “tower”. -Requested and received multiple sample enclosures. -Quantitatively compared sample enclosures. -Wrote test plans for housing system. -Determined parts and vendors for housing ports. -Ordered housing components. MSD II Responsibilities - Ensure inter-enclosure assembly using PEM standoffs. - Ensure proper operation of all housing ports. - Help machine cutouts and threaded holes in enclosures. - Confirm fan, ports, standoffs, and PEMs are assembled in a robust and easily accessible way.
Michael Dushkoff MSD I Accomplishments -Acquired design schematics for DropBot output board -Determined customer requirements and specifications for MSD II Responsibilities - Design and test input and output board circuits independently - Create PCB designs for schematics - Program main Arduino to implement control system architecture - Determine mechanism by which High Voltage board is addressed - Make optional changes to existing GUI to work with the new control system
Zachary Santagata MSD I Accomplishments -Developed viable output board and input board subsystems based on customer requirements and previously-gathered data -Contributed to design requirements and documentation for subsystems MSD II Responsibilities - Construct and test output board, input board, control board and signal generator subsystems - Understand and modify existing Arduino code to interface with CPU over USB - Maintain level of documentation and communication
Adam Wardas MSD I Accomplishments -Designed power supply systems and integrated signal generator board from previous project that meets customer requirements -Assisted in amplifier design and hardware layout MSD II Responsibilities - Test power distribution system - Create and test amplifier - Assemble signal generator and amplifier on PCB’s - Document design, and create troubleshooting guide
Kevin Cho MSD I Accomplishments -Determined cost of buy vs. build of amplifier -Designed and simulated amplifier according to engineering requirements MSD II Responsibilities - Assemble and test amplifier circuit - Design PCB of amplifier - Document Procedures - Create troubleshooting guide
Meeting Notes/ Action Items