1NSWC Corona-MS STDs Buylist KI June 2002 Kathleen Ingenhousz (909) DSH
2NSWC Corona-MS STDs Buylist KI June 2002 STANDARDS BUY LIST UPDATE Kathleen Ingenhousz MS42 June 2002
3NSWC Corona-MS STDs Buylist KI June 2002 CALIBRATION STANDARDS RESPONSIBILITIES l NSWC Corona serves as the NAVSEA In-Service Engineering Agent (ISEA) and Life Cycle Manager (LCM) for calibration standards
4NSWC Corona-MS STDs Buylist KI June 2002 STANDARDS BUY LIST UPDATE For FY02, the following laboratories are having standards bought: –Mid Atlantic Regional (MAR) –Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (NCS) –Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (KBS) –NAVSHIPREFAC Yokosuka (OES) –Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard (OBL) –USS Emory S. Land (ELA) –NAVSHIPREFAC DET Sasebo (YEH) –WPSTA Seal Beach (SBA)
5NSWC Corona-MS STDs Buylist KI June 2002 STANDARDS BUY LIST UPDATE Models that will be procured: –33120AOPT001 Function Generator –34401A Digital Multimeter – Oxygen Calibrator –3604A1-101 Portable Low Temperature Calibrator – K3 Automatic Pressure Calibrator –53132AOPT010,030 Universal Counter –8114AOPT001 Pulse Generator –83630BOPT001,008,H53 Synthesized Sweeper –8648BOPT1EA,1E2,1E5,1E6,H31 Signal Generator –SYSTEM IIA RF Power Standard
6NSWC Corona-MS STDs Buylist KI June 2002 STANDARDS BUY LIST UPDATE Engineering reviews conducted based on standards that calibration laboratories have requested:
7NSWC Corona-MS STDs Buylist KI June 2002 STANDARDS BUY LIST FY03 For FY03, the plan is to finish buying Modernization Standards for NAVSEA. Below are the proposed additional items: – 54750A Oscilloscope Mainframe –54751A Oscilloscope Plug-in P/O 54750A –83624B Synthesized Signal Generator –ET GPS Disciplined Frequency Standard –85053B 3.5MM Verification Kit –85055A Type 'N' Verification Kit – OPT5 Oscilloscope Calibrator