P OSTERS Jon Lambert
A DRIAN P ETERSON Adrian Peterson promoting him and the Minnesota Vikings They are trying to catch your attention and promote the team and player They probably got a background design from an artist and to a picture and faded it into the background.
S HUTTER I SLAND It is a movie poster for the movie Shutter Island starring Leonardo DiCaprio They are trying to promote the movie and get people interested in going to see it to find out more. I think they took different pictures from the movie and made it look mysterious
E MINEM The subject is Eminem's single Not Afraid promoting the song They are trying to get the word out about his song and make people want to get it They probably had a photo shoot and took a bunch of different photos and made some CD covers and posters
M ARINES The subject is the Marines showing how tough and sweet they look They made this poster to promote the Marines and get people to want to join so they can have more recruits They probably had a photo shoot and made the guy look awesome and stuff so that people would want to be like him and made it into flyers and promotions
M ARVEL C OMICS S UPERHEROES It is the Superheroes from the Marvel Comics promoting Marvel They made this poster to make people wonder who they are or show how awesome they are so people will want to read the comics or watch the movies The artist probably sketched this whole poster out and painted it and stuff like that