SU1 sample 176 k events Athena Full Reconstruction
Gen Muons from SUSY particle decay REC Muons frpm not SUSY particle decay REC Muons BAD matching (DR > 0.1) with a GEN Muon REC Muons not matching with a GEN Muon Eta Phi
Pt Gen Muons from SUSY particle decay REC Muons frpm not SUSY particle decay REC Muons BAD matching (DR > 0.1) with a GEN Muon REC Muons not matching with a GEN Muon
Gen Muons from SUSY particle decay REC Muons frpm not SUSY particle decay REC Muons BAD matching (DR > 0.1) with a GEN Muon REC Muons not matching with a GEN Muon Et Isol Cone 0.45 Et Isol Cone 0.1
Gen Muons from SUSY particle decay REC Muons frpm not SUSY particle decay REC Muons BAD matching (DR > 0.1) with a GEN Muon REC Muons not matching with a GEN Muon x-y distance of closest approach
Fake ratio = # (BAD + NOLINK) / # RECONSTRUCTED Eff = # (GOOD REC Muons) / # GEN Muons NO cuts EtIsol(0.1)<40 GeV EtIsol(0.1)<20 GeV EtIsol(0.1)<10 GeV EtIsol(0.1)<5 GeV Muons from SUSY particle decay in SU1 sample Muons from not SUSY particle decay in SU1 sample Muons in JET SAMPLES (J1-J8)
A0 < 0.4 A0 < 0.2 A0 < 0.1 A0 < 0.05 No Cuts A0 < 0.4 A0 < 0.2 A0 < 0.1 A0 < 0.05 No Cuts Muons from SUSY particle decay in SU1 sample Muons from not SUSY particle decay in SU1 sample Muons in JET SAMPLES (J1-J8)
Reconstructed Muon Efficiency Eta Phi Inefficiency
GEN Muons GEN Muons not double counted REC Muons REC Muons Best Chi2 MS-ID Match REC Muons GEN Muons
Reconstructed Muon Efficiency Vs EtaReconstructed Muon Efficiency Vs Phi Tot
Reconstructed Muon Efficiency Vs Phi Barrel Reconstructed Muon Efficiency Vs Phi Endcap
ALL GEN Opposite Sign Muons ALL REC Opposite Sign Muons GEN Muons decaying just from SUSY particles End-points: GeV (L) GeV (R)
GEN Muons decaying just from SUSY particles -- ZOOM End-points: GeV (L) GeV (R)
Pt Resolution
Missing Et GEN Missing Et REC Missing Et (Final = All contributions are taken into account)
PHI Missing Et GEN PHI Missing Et REC PHI Missing Et
N Rec Jets N Thruth Jets
GEN ETA JETS in SU1 REC ETA JETS in SU1 Efficiency JETS Reconstruction Vs ETA in SU1
Pt TRUTH Jets Pt REC Jets
Et Jets Resolution
DR distribution Jet MC-REC Matching
is the sum of the four jets more energetics plus missing et (without cuts in jets pt)
is the sum of the four jets more energetics plus missing et (by requiring at least a jet with pt >100 GeV and three jets with pt > 50 GeV)
Jet Samples (J1-J8)
ALL REC Muons ALL REC Muons matching with a GEN Muon (no cut in DR) REC Muons matching with a GEN Muon & DR<0.1 REC Jets
ALL REC Muons ALL REC Muons matching with a GEN Muon (no cut in DR) REC Muons matching with a GEN Muon & DR<0.1 REC Jets