Probationer Login Go to Click on “MyGTCS Login”
Probationer Menu Screen
Verify Details Miss McColl Highlands High Orkney Islands Mr. Island
Probationer Timetable The online timetable has been developed to calculate automatically the classroom contact time and will show this at the bottom of the page. If your timetable is not within the set parameters of 0.55 and 0.82 then you will be unable to submit it to your Supporter/Mentor for sign off. Once completed submit your timetable to your Supporter/Mentor
Probationer Timetable Secondary Secondary Probationers should enter their class details in the appropriate time slot on the timetable indicating the class year group and the number of minutes. If you are registered in two subjects you must still teach a minimum of 0.55 in your first subject to be eligible for full registration.
Probationer Timetable This should only contain classes for which you have sole teaching responsibility. Your timetable must not exceed 0.82 (18 hours approx.) of a full time teacher’s timetable (0.8 until Easter). It must not fall below 0.55 (12 hours 23 mins).
TIMETABLE Higher National 4
Probationer Supporter/Mentor Meetings A new record should be made for each meeting between you and your Supporter/Mentor. You should record these on a weekly basis. From the Supporter Meetings page click on “Add Meeting”
Weekly Meetings
Probationer Supporter/Mentor Meetings Use the “Add Meeting”, “Edit” tool and “Delete” key as appropriate. Each meeting should be submitted for sign off by your Supporter each week. NB: Do not submit until you are certain that the content of the meeting is correct.
Probationer Observed Teaching Sessions From the main menu click on Record of Observed Teaching. Click on “Add Record” and then complete all sections using the drop down box for the areas of focus. Once complete Add/Save meeting. You should submit each record for your Supporter/Mentor to sign off.
Observations CfE 2/9/ fulfil responsibilities in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and IDL create a safe caring and purposeful learning environment S1 S2 Standard Intermediate Higher Advanced Higher Other
Probationer Observed Teaching Sessions Example below of how to complete a Secondary Observed Teaching Session on the profile; the Primary is very similar
Probationer CPL Record There must be a minimum of two entries within each of the three Professional areas before you will be able to submit the CPL section to your Supporter/Mentor at the end of term. Under Local Authority record central CPL activities which have been arranged by your Local Authority Probation Manager and count as core CPL. These may be during the school day or you may be told by the Local Authority Probation Manager to attend twilight sessions. – NB: Any CPL provided by the LA but which you attend voluntarily should be recorded under personal CPL
Probationer CPL Record Under School record the many experiences undertaken both as your responsibility as a teacher and as identified as a result of your targets from your IPDAP Under Personal record activities undertaken at a time and a place of your own choosing. This is the same as the nationally agreed CPL for all teachers. The activities undertaken in this section should be designed to meet your targets from your IPDAP or areas of your particular interest.
Continuous Professional Learning: CPL
Probationer - Key Strengths & Areas for Development This section should be completed by your Headteacher and/or Supporter/Mentor. You should view and act upon these comments in your future practice, and they will form the starting point for you to complete your PDAP with your Supporter/Mentor.
Probationer - PDAP The Professional Development Action Plan (PDAP) should be completed in the same way as your IPDAP using the information from the Key Strengths & Areas for Development instead of the ITE profile. The self evaluation template could be used at this stage in discussions with your Supporter/Mentor.
Probationer Menu Screen
Minimum Requirements Should contain a minimum of: 1 entry in each IPDAP area 12 Supporter/Mentor Meetings 5 Observed Teaching Sessions 2 entries in each of the 3 CPL areas 1 entry in each PDAP area
Interim Profile Recommendation Satisfactory – Final Profile Cause for Concern – Interim 2 Profile Unsatisfactory – Interim 2 Profile
Probationer – Next Profile Once your Interim Profile has been submitted to the GTCS your next profile becomes available. Your timetable will carry over from the previous profile and will be at a status “Signed Off” as we would not expect changes to the timetable part way through the year. If however you do need to make changes you should contact requesting that your timetable be unlocked.
Final Profile Recommendation Full Registration Extension – Health – Competence Cancellation