Ihr Logo
Your Logo Paul the apostle taught, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds”. (2 Cor. 10:4). This is a life changing promise that will mean the difference for you between victory and defeat during coming days. SPIRITUAL WARFARE NOW: We are facing greater spiritual battles today than before, there has been a release of demonic activity on earth over the past years,
Your Logo and there are going to be more in the coming days. These are more than physical battles. This is spiritual warfare. What is happening today in (Nigeria) North-east (Boko haram), and throughout the world is more of spiritual than physical. Closer to home, we are fighting a spiritual battle for the souls of our family members and loved ones.
Your Logo BELIEVERS MUST BE PREPARED More specifically, a prepared soldier should never, ever go into battle without the right armour that would be disastrous; victory in battle hangs upon suitable armour and appropriate weaponry. And a spiritual battle requires proven spiritual weapons. It’s impossible to avert the attacks of the devil and prevail against his strategies in your strength. The word of God instructs.
Your Logo “Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Eph. 6:11). To counter satan’s attacks on the body of Christ, we must be prepared. WEAPON FOR SPIRITUAL WARFARE Preparation for spiritual battle requires the application of principles revealed in the word of God. When the whole armour of God is applied and used properly, you have full protection and are enable to hold your ground against the enemy.
Your Logo Ephesians 6, lists these seven pieces of armour – seven weapons of spiritual warfare, that can be the difference between life and death for you and your loved ones. YOUR LOINS GIRT ABOUT WITH TRUTH (VS.14); LOINS REFER TO OUR MINDS, Peter said, “Gird up the loins of your mind.” (I Peter. 1:13). Fill your mind with the words of God.
Your Logo YOUR BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (VS.14); The breastplate covers the vital organs and speaks of the heart. The breastplate of righteousness fortifies your heart against the enemy’s attacks. Allow the righteousness revealed in God’s word to influence your mind and tough your heart. YOUR FEET SHOD WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE (Vs. 15): The word of God must affect your walk, your life. This happens as the word fill your mind, touches your heart, and is manifested, or seen in your walk. It all begans with your mind.
Your Logo You begin to read and hear the words of God and it begin to influence and fill your heart with truth. This affects your actions and daily life. YOUR SHIELD OF FAITH (VS. 16): Faith brings powerful results, for when faith is joined with the results of the word in your mind, heart and life, you can withstand the onslaught of the enemy and render the enemy’s fiery darts ineffective. YOUR HELMET OF SALVATION (VS. 17): Once the truth enters your mind, touches your heart and is manifested in your actions, it becomes your nature.
Your Logo The helmet of salvation to the doctrine of the word that brings balance to your life and keeps you walking steady in the spirit. YOUR SWORD OF THE SPIRIT (VS. 17): All the armour up to this point has served a defensive purpose, intended for use in facing the enemy, the sword of the spirit is the word of God, and it is intended to be use as an offensive weapon against the enemy. In three consecutive instances, Jesus repeatedly saying, “It is written” (Matthew 4: 4, 6 – 7). The sword of the spirit helps you take back the territory that belongs to you, your family, your finance and your health.
Your Logo YOUR TIME SPENT IN PRAYER AND SUPPLICATION IN THE SPIRIT. (VS. 18): The final weapon also to be used on the offensive is prayer that covers and clothes us like a mantle. The time has never, ever been more critical for believers to be armed and ready with the spiritual weapons that God has provided. I cannot emphasize this enough. Your life and the lives of your loved ones may hang in the balance.
Your Logo Conclusion: Luke 10:19