New National Curriculum from September 2014
Key stage 3Key stage 4 Year groups7 – 910 – 11 Core subjects English Mathematics Science Foundation subjects Art and design Citizenship Computing Design and technology Languages Geography History Music Physical education Structure of the national curriculum
Key stage 3Key stage 4 Year groups7 – 910 – 11 Religious education Sex and relationship education
These have been removed from the new national curriculum However schools must still assess and report on students’ attainment and progress
Graded differently – scale 1-9 Vast majority of GCSEs will not have Higher and Foundation levels Exams will be main form of assessment Exams can only be sat at the end of the course
Length of exams will increase Much greater emphasis on literacy, and spelling, punctuation and grammar Content will be more difficult
English language 20% of the marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar Assessed by exam only Only one tier of paper English literature 5% of the marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar Texts more challenging
Will be tiered A shift in the content of current Higher tier exam to Foundation tier Exams will be longer than the current GCSE maths exams
There will be a mixture of “old” and “new” GCSEs New GCSEs Science Modern Foreign Languages History Geography Religious Studies Art Music PE Design Technology Computer Science Drama
Prepare students at Key Stage 3 for the increased demands of KS4 ◦ Skills ◦ Subject content ◦ Characteristics of successful learners Greater focus on literacy and numeracy Assessment methods to reflect these changes