By: Samantha Hay
To offer a variety of new software and equipment which can be incorporated into PE lesson planning to teach our students fun new ways to exercise, and skills they can take with them into their lives as adults as well as keeping a sound budget in mind when purchasing this equipment.
By teaching students new exercise routines and introducing new equipment on a cost friendly budget, it shows students that they do not need state of the art and top dollar equipment to get a fun and effective workout. This is exceptionally important in lower socioeconmic settings.
Jump Ropes Jump ropes are a very inexpensive way to incorporate a good cardiovascular activity into the gymnasium. Jump rope can be done by anyone at any skill level or age level. You can make it simple for beginners and introduce double under jumps to more advanced students and it really gets the heart pumping. It can be a fun and effective piece of equipment and extremely cost effective.
Use/Value: To provide a fun and affordable cardiovascular activity to students of all ages and skill levels. Cost: Jump ropes can be found as cheap as $2.57. (ex. 30 / so one for each students per class period = $77.10) Source:
Exercise Balls I feel that exercise balls will appeal to students for the simple fact that it is a big bouncy ball. With that being said, as an educator I would ensure that they wouldn’t be used for play but for fun and exciting new ways to exercise. Students may be intimidated by the exercise balls simply because they don’t know how to properly utilize them. By incorporating them into lessons I could teach student a wide range of exercises and how to incorporate them into their workout routine !
Use/Value: Exercise balls can be used as a fun and exciting new way to learn new types of exercises and a variety of different exercises including but not limited to yoga, pilates, core work, and cardio. Cost: $10.00 (30 students/students work in pairs / 15 balls = $150.00) Source: ner=wlpa&adid= &wl0=&wl 1=g&wl2=&wl3= &wl4=&wl5=pla&ve h=sem ner=wlpa&adid= &wl0=&wl 1=g&wl2=&wl3= &wl4=&wl5=pla&ve h=sem
DVD to use with Exercise Ball By incorporating the use of a DVD with the exercise ball, students will be able to learn new and exciting ways to utilize the exercise ball. There are many varieties of DVD’s that can be used from cardio, to abs, as well as yoga, and pilates so there are multiple options available to give students options while still giving them a good workout and teaching them new things with the exercise ball they may have never learned otherwise!
Use/Value: DVD can be used to teach and guide students through new exercises that incorporate their exercise balls. Cost: You can find DVDs online for as inexpensive as $1.19 Source: Balance-Ball-Tanja- Djelevic/dp/B000TJ6P4W/ref=cm_lmf_tit_17http:// Balance-Ball-Tanja- Djelevic/dp/B000TJ6P4W/ref=cm_lmf_tit_17
ZUMBA DVD!!!!!!! Zumba is all the craze right now in the fitness world. It is a great cardio vascular activity and can be done by people of all ages and skill level. I think Zumba would be a fun lesson to incorporate in unit. It is different and another new form of exercise students can learn to love. A whole box set of the DVD’s is cost efficient and can be used school year after school year. It could also be used if a school has a gym day or gym show. There is no additional equipment required like with the ball. You just turn on the DVD and get those bodies moving!
Use/Value: Zumba is a fun new cardiovascular dance exercise that can help students learn new ways to get their bodies moving. Cost: DVD set of 4 DVD’s $34.95 Source: spx?Item=9SIA1DG0N54735&nm_mc=KNC- GoogleMKP&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-_- pla-_-DVD%2c+Blu-ray+-+Movies+%26+TV-_- 9SIA1DG0N spx?Item=9SIA1DG0N54735&nm_mc=KNC- GoogleMKP&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-_- pla-_-DVD%2c+Blu-ray+-+Movies+%26+TV-_- 9SIA1DG0N54735
Kettle Bells Kettle bells are an extremely efficient tool for weight training, core training, and they really can get that heart rate pumping. Some students may be intimidated by just standard free weight lifting. By incorporating the use of kettle bells it can help eliminate some of that weight lifting anxiety. Kettle bells are popping up in gyms all over so I feel as educators we should be on the front line of teaching our students the proper way to exercise with them and the many varieties of exercises they can do with them to keep their exercise plan fun and exciting.
Use/Value: Kettle bells can be used in a variety of exercise and add a fun new element to our students workout program. Cost: 5-30lb set $ Source: ?q=kettlebells&hl=en&b av=on.2,or.r_qf.&biw=1280&bih=705&sa=X&ei =viNwUaajKLez4AOjuYGoCg&ved=0CGMQr RI ?q=kettlebells&hl=en&b av=on.2,or.r_qf.&biw=1280&bih=705&sa=X&ei =viNwUaajKLez4AOjuYGoCg&ved=0CGMQr RI
Set of 30 Jump Ropes $77.10 15 Exercise Balls $ Exercise Ball DVD $1.19 Zumba DVD Set $34.95 Kettle Bell Set $ TOTAL VALUE : $473.24
I hope through my presentation you were able to see how you can incorporate fun new exercise equipment and software to the gymnasium while on a budget. It doesn’t take a lot of money to introduce new items into the lives of our children. By teaching them first, they can carry these new skills and habits into their lives as adults. Thank You