Money & Math for 2nd graders Test Items and Feedback EdTec 671 Mercedes Luna
Objectives Given real money or accurate color images, the second graders will be able to, correctly and without any help from the teacher or classmates : Identify the following coins: penny, nickel, dime, quarter and its values Identify the following bills: one dollar, five, ten, twenty and fifty dollars values Identify the values of a mixed group of coins and bills Identify the equivalence between Cents and Dollar notation (75 ¢ = 0.75 $) Once identified correctly the values, the second graders will be able to correctly and without any help from the teacher or classmates : Perform addition of the values Perform subtraction of the values Solve applied problems according to the student's age
Question 1 Type the value in cents of each coin ¢ = ¢ = ¢ = ¢ = This is my final answer ! = ¢ This is my final answer ! = ¢ OBJECTIVE: Identify value of each coin to ask in class: - Should I put the coin with the written value, mixed, or without the written value ? Or create a second version or level 2 ? - Should I put as a part of the question: “Remember to click in the purple button to confirm your answer “?Confirm the answer is a important feature. Should it appear on at the time, the feedback specially for kids should be one by one - Confirm that please This is my final answer ! = ¢ This is my final answer ! = ¢
Question 1 - answer Type the value in cents of each coin ¢ = ¢ = ¢ = ¢ Correct Answer Feedback: Correct ! Incorrect Answer Feedback: Incorrect. If you look closely to the coin, you can read its value in letters (one dime), which equals to 10 cents. This coin value is ten cents. This is my final answer ! = 25 ¢ This is my final answer ! = 10 ¢ OBJECTIVE: Identify value of each coin to ask in class: - Should I put the coin with the written value, mixed, or without the written value ? Or create a second version or level 2 ? - Should I put as a part of the question: “Remember to click in the purple button to confirm your answer “?Confirm the answer is a important feature. This is my final answer ! Correct Answer Feedback: Correct ! Incorrect Answer Feedback: Incorrect. If you look closely to the coin, you can read its value in letters. This coin value is one cent. = 5 ¢ This is my final answer ! = 1 ¢
Question 2 Using drag & drop, place the coins in order from higher value to less value The coin with Higher value goes here OBJECTIVE: Identify value of each coin to ask in class: - Should I put the coin with the written value, mixed, or without the written value ? Or create a second version or level 2 ? This is my final answer !
Question 2 - answers Using drag & drop, place the coins in order from higher value to less value The coin with Higher value goes here to ask in class: - What about the general feedback of incorrect, what about if technologically speaking I cannot identify which combination put wrong - What about if the ones that the student answered correct are lock in the place, and he/she only can move the ones that are misplaced ? What about the language used in the questions, button to confirm answer and feedback , too sophisticated ? Are second graders Correct Answer Feedback: Good Job ! Your answer is correct Incorrect Answer Feedback: Try again. At least one coin is not in the right place This is my final answer !
Question 3 Type the total amount in cents ¢ = This is my final answer ! OBJECTIVE: Add values in cents (values without decimals) to ask in class: - one page per addition or should I have several per page ?
Question 3 - answer Type the total amount in cents ¢ = 51 This is my final answer ! Correct Answer Feedback: Correct ! Very Good. Incorrect Answer Feedback: Your answer is incorrect ! Let’s see: 1 quarter + 1 quarter + 1 penny equals 25 ¢ + 25 ¢ + 1 ¢ = 51 ¢. The correct answer is 51 cents.
Question 4 Type the total amount in cents ¢ = This is my final answer ! OBJECTIVE: Add values in cents (values without decimals) to ask in class: - one page per addition or should I have several per page ?
Question 4 - answer Type the total amount in cents ¢ = 47 This is my final answer ! OBJECTIVE: Add values in cents (values without decimals) to ask in class: - In the incorrect feedback if they have 2 pennies should I put 1 + 1 or can I put 2 (the idea of 1 + 1 is that they can see as much values as coins). Correct Answer Feedback: Correct ! Incorrect Answer Feedback: Your answer is incorrect ! Let’s see: 1 quarter + 1 dime + 1 pennies + 2 five cents coins equals 25 ¢ + 10 ¢ + 1 ¢ + 1 ¢ + 5 ¢ + 5 ¢ = 47 ¢. The correct answer is 47 cents.
Question 5 Click on the part of the bill where you know its value Front of the bill Back of the bill OBJECTIVE: Identify values of bills This is my final answer ! Because the type of interaction maybe this question cannot have a confirmation, unless I highligh zones ?
Question 5 - answer Click on the part of the bill where you know its value Front of the bill Back of the bill OBJECTIVE: Identify values of bills Correct Answer Feedback: Correct ! In all the highlighted areas, the bill itself have written its value Incorrect Answer Feedback: Incorrect ! In all the highlighted areas, the bill itself have written its value
Question 6 Type the total amount in cents and dollar = ¢ = $ This is my final answer ! OBJECTIVE: Equivalence between cents and dollars values
Question 6 - answer Type the total amount in cents and dollar = ¢ = $ 75 ¢ = 0.75 $ This is my final answer ! Correct Answer Feedback: Correct ! Incorrect Answer Feedback: Incorrect ! The value in dollars is the same of the cents, …..????? [ask a teacher the explanation for kids] OBJECTIVE: Equivalence between cents and dollars values ASK IN CLASS: Should I check first if they know the value in cents ?, the exercise should be only transform values in do9llars ?
Question 7 $ My mother gave this morning these money I bought a coke for 0.50 and a cookie for 0.25 Type how much money do I have left $ OBJECTIVE: Substaction and addition of values QUESTION TO ASK IN CLASS - the images should be proportioned, or is better that they can recognize the coins This is my final answer !
Question 7- answer $ My mother gave this morning these money I bought a coke for 0.50 and a cookie for 0.25 Type how much money do I have left $ OBJECTIVE: Equivalence between cents and dollars values Correct Answer Feedback: Correct ! I had 1 + 0.25 + 0.25 = 1.5 $. Then minus what I bought 1.5 - 0.75 = 0.75 Incorrect Answer Feedback: Incorrect ! I had 1 + 0.25 + 0.25 = 1.5 $. Then I bought 0.5 + 0.25 = 0.75 $. So 1.5 $ I has minus 0.75 spend = 0.75 This is my final answer !