Microsoft ® Office Acess 2003 Training Analyzing, viewing, and reporting data Mr Garel…… presents:
Tables are great for storing data. But to get the full benefit of Access, you need to understand other Access database objects. In this lesson, we'll tell you more about queries, forms, and reports, and how they can help you. A database window opens to show the list of database objects. Analyzing, viewing, and reporting data
Do you have questions that you want to answer with your data? Queries can answer those questions by assembling stored data from your database, or by performing calculations with the data to provide further information. how they can help you. Queries Results of a query
To answer questions, queries retrieve, filter, sort, and assemble data on command. Another important power of queries is to combine the data from several tables into a single view. Queries Results of a query
The picture illustrates the results of a query. This query extracted the names of employees who live in the United Kingdom from a larger Employees table. When a query finds data and shows it to you, it can also process that data according to your instructions and perform calculations using the data. Queries Results of a query
Forms Forms make data friendlier by enabling people to enter or view data in your database easily. Control and simplify data input. Make data from a table or a query easier to understand by presenting it in visually appealing designs. Elements of a form Forms: Provide drop-down lists, instructions, navigational controls, and graphics to help users work with your data.