Presented by Roz Kieschnick & Paige Smith Banner Finance 201
Course Goals Review Banner Finance 101 Query information to limit data results Understand data presented from various INB finance screens Extract data to Excel to aid in analysis Run reports
Basics Runs in 2 windows: The one you see and work in Behind the scenes control window Can have more than one ‘set’ open
Basics (continued) LOV (List of Values) Banner Products Direct Access Field Auto Hints/Error Messages Custom Links
Basics (continued) Rollback (Shift-F7) Insert Record (F6) Save (F10)Remove Record (F10) Previous Record (Shift+F6) Next Record ( ) Prev Block (Ctrl+PgUp) Next Block (Ctrl+PgDwn) Enter Query (F7) Execute Query (F8) Cancel Query (Ctrl+Q ) Print (Shift+F8) Not Currently UsedHelp Exit or Cancel (Ctrl+Q)
Forms All Banner forms have seven characters –Example: F G I B D S T Naming Convention –The first letter of the name identifies the primary system (product) in Banner which owns the job, report, form or table. (F = Finance). SectionLetter StudentS FinanceF Human ResourcesH Financial AidR GeneralG Banner Extender SolutionsB
Forms (continued) Naming Convention The second letter of the name identifies the module in Banner that owns the job, report, form or table. (G = General Finance) For your purposes, G will be the only module you will use. All Banner forms have seven characters –Example: F G I B D S T
Forms (continued) Naming Convention The third letter of the name identifies the type of job, report, form or table. (I = Inquiry) All Banner forms have seven characters –Example: F G I B D S T LetterDescription AApplication IInquiry Form QQuery Form (accessed from another form) RReport or Process VValidation Table View
Forms (continued) Naming Convention The last four letters of the name is the name of the job, report, form, or table. (BDST = Budget Status) All Banner forms have seven characters –Example: F G I B D S T
Queries Wild Cards are characters used in queries to represent one or more unspecified characters. The percent character (%) represents any number of unspecified characters. The underscore character (_) represents one occurrence of an unspecified character. To get these resultsEnter these criteria All entries that contain a%a% All entries that begin with anAn% All entries that end with ie%ie All entries that have n as a second character_n%
Financial Data (FGIBDST) Accessed by inputting the seven-character form name in the ‘Direct Access Field’.
Financial Data (FGIBDST)
FGIBDST – Budget Status Screen Provides the Budget Available Balance for Budget Funded FOPs: , , , 15XXXX, etc Grants Used to obtain Operating Ledger transaction information for Budget funded FOPs *To obtain the available balance, you must ‘uncheck’ the “Include Revenue Accounts” checkbox.*
Financial Data (FGIBDST) FGIBDST – Budget Status Screen In the Chart Field, ‘S’ (capital letter S) defaults Current Fiscal Year Defaults, change year if a previous fiscal year is desired. Enter your Fund-Org combination without the Account or Program codes filled in; these will act as ‘filters’ rather than displaying the entire data. Click ‘Next Block’ or Ctrl+PgDwn to populate form. Data is displayed by Account Code for each line item. “Net Total – Available Balance” equals your available balance, which consists of your total budget less any year-to-date activity. Year-to-date activity includes salaries and other expenditures, less money set-aside for purchase orders.
Financial Data (FGIBDST) FGIBDST – Budget Status Screen ‘Type’ R=Revenue L=Labor E=Expense T=Transfer Transfers IN show as negative amounts and vice-versa for transfer OUT. ‘Adjusted Budget’ Spending authority granted by the Budget Office. Three digit accounts are ‘Budget Pools’ and hold the budget for their corresponding groups of expense Account Codes (i.e. 710, 720, etc.) Budget pools cannot have transactions posted against them.
Financial Data (FGIBDST) FGIBDST – Budget Status Screen ‘YTD Activity’ This column displays all of the actual expenses incurred in the selected fiscal year. ‘Commitments’ All encumbrances for the selected fiscal year are displayed here and summed in the ‘Net Total’ cell at the bottom. Once a requisition has been approved then it will appear on FGIBDST, However, funds are reserved or set aside to cover a possible purchase on FGIBAVL before requisition is even completed. ‘Available Balance’ This column displays the net affect of each row (Adjusted Budget-YTD Activity-Commitments=Available Balance). If the bottom right Available Balance cell is empty; ‘rollback’ (shift+F7) and uncheck the ‘Include Revenue Accounts’ check box. Ctrl-PageDown again, and the Available Balance will be displayed.
Financial Data (FGITRND)
FGITRND – Transaction Detail Screen Can be directly accessed through Banner Start Screen, or while in FGIBDST, using Options or pressing F3 brings you here as well. Provides detailed information for all ‘accounts’ (Operating Ledger only)
Financial Data (FGITRND) In the top block, you can limit query by Fund/Org & even Account
Financial Data (FGITRND) Query using Wildcards or query on specific account After hitting “next block”, you can see your results, or start a new query…
Financial Data (FGITRND) A wildcard query for “73%” returns all transactions on account codes beginning with 73…for this Fund/Org Hit F8 or the “Query” icon to execute your query. You can start a new query by hitting the “Enter Query” icon or use the F7 short cut.
Financial Data (FGITRND) You can query by account code budgeted pools (710,720,750..) and this provides the totals of all transactions for the specified pool, however it will not show each individual account code with in that pool.
Financial Data (FGITRND) F3 brings the individual document information. You can use next block to view the detail. Hit F8 or the “Query” icon to execute your query. You can start a new query by hitting the “Enter Query” icon or use the F7 short cut.
Financial Data (FGITRND) FGITRND – Transaction Detail Screen ‘Activity Date’ Date the transaction occurred ‘Type’ Four digit ‘Rule Code’. See below for common codes: Rule CodeDescription BD__Budget Entries – Budget Office BDT Departmental Budget Transfers CA__, CB__Student Charges CNNICancel Check - Invoice w/o encumb CR5Cash Receipt Entry CD5Cash Disbursement Entry Rule CodeDescription DNNICheck - Invoice w/o encumb E0__, E100Encumbrance Entry JV__Journal Entry GRICIndir Cost Charge H___Payroll Entries IN__Invoice Rule CodeDescription H___Payroll Entries IN__Invoice PORDPurch Ordr - Establish MT01/ MT02 Month to date transactions brought in from Legacy REQPRequisition - Reservation Please refer to Legacy for Detail on Transactions prior to 01/01/2011.
Financial Data (FGITRND) FGITRND – Transaction Detail Screen ‘Activity’ and ‘Location’ Not currently used. ‘Field’ ENC=Encumbrance (Funds are dedicated or set aside for the payment of a purchase after the Purchase Order is cut.) YTD=Year to Date (Actual expense) F3 drills down even further to the document level.
Financial Data (FGITBSR)
FGITBSR – Trial Balance Summary Form Provides the Current Balance for Fund Balance accounts. To obtain available balance, the encumbrances (account ) must be subtracted from the ‘current fund balance’ cell at the bottom of the form. If ‘D’ is displayed in the ‘D/C’ column to the right of the current fund balance cell, the fund is in deficit. Displays only General Ledger data If looking for Transaction Detail, use FGIBDST. F3 drills down to see G/L detail only.
Financial Data (FGITBSR) FGITBSR – Trial Balance Summary Form In the Chart Field, ‘S’ (capital letter S) defaults Current Fiscal Year defaults, change year if a previous fiscal year is desired. Enter your Fund, the account code field can be left blank. Click ‘Next Block’ or Ctrl+PgDwn to populate form.
Financial Data (FGITBSR) FGITBSR – Trial Balance Summary Form ‘Acct Type’ ‘Account’ General Ledger accounts – Basically a summary of all the Operating Ledger Accounts. 1_ = Assets6_ = Labor 2_ = Liabilities7_ = Direct Expenditures 3_ = Control Accounts8_ = Transfers 4_ = Fund Balance9_ = Fund Additions 5_ = Revenues
Financial Data (FGITBSR) FGITBSR – Trial Balance Summary Form ‘Beginning Balance’ Dollar amount as of the beginning of the fiscal year, listed by account code. ‘D/C’ Debit or Credit Accounting 101 ‘*’ Denotes amount is opposite of normal balance. Debits Increase:Assets and Expenses Decrease:Revenues and Liabilities Credits Increase:Revenues and Liabilities Decrease:Assets and Expenses
Financial Data (FGIENCD)
FGIENCD – Encumbrance Detail Activity Shows transaction detail and remaining balance of encumbrances. Enter encumbrance and Click ‘Next Block’ or Ctrl+PgDwn to populate form. Note that the second ‘block’ may have multiple items in it. Press the down arrow when in this ‘block‘ to view them. Ctrl+PgDwn navigates to the last ‘block’. Displays all activity that has occurred against a given encumbrance (Invoices, checks, change orders, etc.) Very last line shows the remaining balance of the encumbrance.
Financial Data (FAIINVE) FAIINVE – Invoice Query Displays all information for a given invoice. Enter document number and Click ‘Next Block’ or Ctrl+PgDwn to populate form. Ctrl+PgDwn displays additional invoice information. Invoice Commodity Information Accounting Amounts Balancing/Completion
FGRBDSC & FGRODTA Banner Finance Reports
FGRBDSC is a Banner report for current period budget status. This report will list summarized activity based on entered parameters. NOTES: Use the next block icon, when moving between the yellow lines. Printer controls block, you must enter DATABASE in all CAPS for the report to run properly. DATABASE must be entered in all CAPS
BANNER FINANCE: FGRBDSC – Parameter Values 1. In Fiscal Year field, type current fiscal year – In Chart field, type a capital “S”. 3. To Fund and From Fund, if running just one fund, enter the same fund (six digit number). 4.To Organization and From Organization need to be the same six digit number, unless you want a conclusive look at several orgs with in the same department; however the orgs must be consecutive number sequence. Enter the SAME FUND/ORG for the TO and FROM range.
BANNER FINANCE: FGRBDSC – Parameter Values..continued…. 5. To Account Code and From Account Code you can leave blank if you would like to see all account codes However you can also specify an account code if you would only like to see a certain one or a specific range of account code. You can also type a specific budget pool (710, 720, 750..). 6. As of Date field, will always default to current date. Keep or change date to what you need. 7. Include Accrual Period defaults to Y, Print Reports Totals defaults to Y, and Print Net Totals defaults to Y. In the Commitment Type field, leave blank to see all commitment types. Banner provides a help line of what to enter for guidance Leave ACCOUNT codes BLANK, this will generate ALL the codes to appear on the report
8. Click Next Block to move to the Submission block. If you click the box “Save Parameter Set as” you are able to save the parameter values,so you can run the report again for the same fund/org, which will be found in the Parameter Set field on the first block. Keep in mind you will need to change the date.
9. After you have checked the Save Parameter Set as box, then click SAVE from toolbar icon. 10. A window will pop-up alerting you that the parameters are now set as a default. Click OK.
11. After you click SAVE, this will clear the screen and it will look as it did at the beginning.
12. Now click on Options, then Review Output.
13. On this next screen, double click on the File Name field. NOTE: Sometimes the report is still running, so the Number field will be highlighted, please tab to File Name and if the report has completed the cursor will appear in the File Name field at which point you can double click and proceed in retrieving the report.
14. Then choose the file name ending in “.lis” from the available files. Click OK.
15. Here is the report. You may scroll down by using the page down button on your keyboard or use the scroll bar on the side of the report. Do NOT use your Mouse to scroll through the report.
16. To get a printable and savable report, click on Options, then Show Document (Save and Print File).
17. When asked if you are ready to save, click Save File.
18. The report will be saved to your s: drive. Which is the message that will pop-up along with the.lis file name. Click OK to complete.
19. You must close the pop-up window after you have saved the file. To retrieve the report you will then need to find the fgrbdsc_#xxxxxx.lis file on your S: Drive.
20. Open your S: drive and sort by date to find the latest file fgrbdsc_#xxxxxx.lis file on your S: Drive.
21. Your report should open in WordPad. If you are asked to “select program from list” to open your file, choose WordPad. Your printable report will look like this (change print preferences to landscape before printing):
FGRODTA is a Banner report that allows you to obtain transaction detail for your funds and orgs. This will provide access to a large volume of raw data which if used incorrectly, can lead to misleading conclusions. Please use and disseminate this date with care. 1. At the General Menu, type “FGRODTA” in Go To…field and press enter or tab.
2. The screen that comes up will look like the following:
3. Click Next Block. 4. The next block, Print Control, you will need to type DATABASE (all Caps) in the Printer field. DATABASE must be all CAPS
5. Click Next Block again to move cursor to Parameter Values. 6. In Fiscal Year field, enter the current fiscal year – In Chart field, enter a capital “S”. Chart Fiscal Year
8. In From Organization Code field, type in the beginning number of the range of orgs you need to see. (This example shows ) You must use the full six digit number code. 9. In To Organization Code field, type in the ending number of the range of orgs you need to see. (The orgs must be consecutive, because the report will show ALL data for specified range.) You may also enter the same org in both field, which is recommended to look at each org separately. Again you must use the full six digit number code. Organization
10. In From Fund Code and To Fund Code fields type the same six digit fund for each field to view one fund. 11. In From Account Code and To Account Code fields, type in the account or range of accounts you need to see. Or, you may leave this BLANK to see ALL accounts. Fund
12. Make sure to scroll down in the parameters section to the From Date and To Date fields. If you don’t change the dates, you will only see activity for one day. You must set any date parameters in the current fiscal year that you choose. 13. Date format is DD-MMM-YYYY, with two digits for the day of the month, a dash, three capital letters for the month, another dash, and the four digit year. In the From Date field, type the beginning of the range of dates you would like to see. In the To Date filed, type the ending range of dates you would like to see. Account Date Range
14. The Include Accrual for Last Prd field defaults to N. The Print Organization Totals fields default to Y. The Commitment Type field defaults to U-Uncommitted; change to B – Both. Accept default entries, except change 13-B. Banner provides a help line for guidance of what to enter as a value.
15. Click Next Block, which moves the cursor to the Submission block. You can save the parameters for the values entered by selecting the box “Save Parameter Set as” and type a Name/Description to easily identify this set of parameters. So the next time you want to run this report for the same fund/org you can select these saved parameters which are found in the Parameter Set field in the 1 st block. Remember you will need to change the date range!
16. Once in the Submission block, click on File, the Save. Or you can Save from the toolbar icon.
17. This will clear the screen and it will look as it did at the beginning. 18. Now click on Options, then Review Output.
19. On the next screen, double click on the File Name field.
20. Then choose the file name ending in “.lis” from the available files. Click OK.
21. Here is the report, you may scroll down by using page down or use the scroll bar on the side. Do NOT use your Mouse to scroll through the report.
22. To get a printable and savable report, click on Options, then Show Document (Save and Print File).
23. When asked if you are ready to save, click Save File.
24. The report will be saved to your s: drive. Which is the message that will pop-up along with the.lis file name. Click OK to complete.
25. Open your S: drive and sort by date to find the latest file fgrodta_#xxxxxx.lis file on your S: Drive.
26. Your report should open in WordPad. If you are asked to “select program from list” to open your file, choose WordPad. Your printable report will look like this (change print preferences to landscape before printing):
Financial Data (Misc.) F-O-A-P Queries FTVFUND FTVORGN FTVACCT FTVPROG Grant screens FRIGITD – Grant Inception to Date Summary FRAGRNT – Grant Setup Form (query access only)
Financial Data (Misc.) FPIPURR – Purchase Order Inquiry FAIVNDH – Vendor History FOIDOCH – Document cross reference FPIOPOF – Open PO’s by FOAP FPIOPOV – Open PO’s by Vendor FGIOENC – Encumbrance by Organization
Questions? Security/Access, Chart Maintenance, Approvals – Roz Kieschnick Ext. General Accounting/Financial Accounting & Reporting – Amanda Withers Ext.
Course Evaluation Please fill out and mail the completed form to the ‘Banner Finance Coordinator’ in the Controller’s Office – Box Your feedback is much appreciated.