A LL A BOUT V ERBS !!! TERMS: 1. Person(6) = subject of the verb (see verb chart!) 2. Number(2) = singular or plural 3. Tense(6) = time the action occurs i.e. Present, Imperfect, Perfect 4. Mood(3) = speaker’s attitude towards what is happening i.e. Indicative (statements or facts); Imperative (commands!) 5. Voice(2) = Active (subject PERFORMS action); Passive (subject is being ACTED ON )
TERMS CONT. 6. Conjugation(4):verb type or grouping; determined by infinitive form 7. Tense(6): “time” the verb’s action occurs; present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, future perfect 8. Stem: foundation of a verb; base used to form different tenses 9. Dictionary Forms: reveals verb’s conjugation, stems, meaning
A LL A BOUT V ERBS !!! C ONT. FORMS: 1. Infinitive = verbs that end in –re (“to verb”) 2. Imperative = verbs that end in a vowel, -te. Verbs that use “noli + infinitive” and “nolite + infinitive” 3. Main Verb = may be an action or link PRINICPAL PARTS: Verbs have 4 forms called Principal Parts. Each part is used to form one of our 6 Latin verb tenses. Each part may also be used to create a different “form” of the verb.
A LL A BOUT V ERBS !!! C ONT. DICTIONARY FORM OF A VERB: am ō, am ā re, amav ī, amatum- to love 1 st prin. pt. 2 nd prin. pt. 3 rd prin. pt. 4 th prin. pt. def. 1 st person sing., Infinitive 1 st person Perf. Passive Present Tense sing., Perf. Participle Tense “I love” “to love” “I loved” “having been verbed” CONJUGATIONS: determined by the infinitive ending 1 ST Conjugation = ā re 2 nd Conjugation = ē re 3 rd /3 rd ioConjugation = ere 4 th Conjugation = ī re
S TEM VOWELS FOR P RESENT T ENSE -a 1 -e 2 3 -i/-u (-i/-iu) 4 -i/-iu
S TEM V OWELS FOR I MPERFECT -a 1 -e 2 3 -e(-ie) 4 -ie
A LL A BOUT V ERBS !!! P RACTICE, P RACTICE !!! I. Tell which conjugation each verb belongs to. 1. sedere - __________2. ven ī re - _______ 3. ambul ā re - ________4. terr ē re - ______ II. Tell the tense of each verb and translate. 1. sederunt - ______________________ 2. veni ē bam - ______________________ 3. terruit - _________________________ 4. ambul ō - _________________________ 5. sed ē s - _____________________________ III. Give the tense, person, and number of each 1. pugnabamus2. nuntiavistis 3. vidit4. promittunt