Building Better Opportunities European Funds for Liverpool City Region nd April 2015 Andy Churchill Building Better Opportunities European Funds for Liverpool City Region nd April 2015 Andy Churchill
Voluntary and Community Sector Co-ordinator for the North West Information, Representation and Strategy Supporting partnership working Funded by Technical Assistance from ESF and ERDF Funding from Liverpool LEP and Manchester New Economy Voluntary and Community Sector Co-ordinator for the North West Information, Representation and Strategy Supporting partnership working Funded by Technical Assistance from ESF and ERDF Funding from Liverpool LEP and Manchester New Economy
Decision levels European Commission Regulations Finance Partnership Principles Member State - UK Government Partnership Operational Programmes LEP and Local Partners - Liverpool City Region Working together Delivering change European Commission Regulations Finance Partnership Principles Member State - UK Government Partnership Operational Programmes LEP and Local Partners - Liverpool City Region Working together Delivering change
Economic Social and Territorial Cohesion Economic Social and Territorial Cohesion
Economic Social and Territorial Cohesion Economic Social and Territorial Cohesion
Europe 2020 Smart Sustainable Inclusive Smart Sustainable Inclusive
The Regulations
Eleven Themes Innovation ICT SME competitiveness Low Carbon Climate Change Environment and Resource Efficiency Sustainable Transport Employment Social Inclusion Skills (Institutional Capacity) Innovation ICT SME competitiveness Low Carbon Climate Change Environment and Resource Efficiency Sustainable Transport Employment Social Inclusion Skills (Institutional Capacity)
Liverpool City Region Extensive experience of EU Funds since 1994 delivery approaches and partnerships Major economy, one of 8 core cities Last 20 years strengthened (EU funding) Combined Authority Population Less skilled population Fewer businesses Opportunities related to the strength of VCS in the City Region Extensive experience of EU Funds since 1994 delivery approaches and partnerships Major economy, one of 8 core cities Last 20 years strengthened (EU funding) Combined Authority Population Less skilled population Fewer businesses Opportunities related to the strength of VCS in the City Region
Portfolios ERDFESF Blue Green253 Business328 Innovation26.55 Inclusive361.7 Place/Connect
Inclusive Economy Tackling youth unemployment (NEETS) including Youth Employment Initiative Getting our people back to work Social growth and connectivity Employer engagement, including apprenticeships Skills for growth LCR long tradition social innovation, strong social ent sector LCR Employment and Skills Board Investigate appropriate use of CLLD in a few areas Track record delivery via VCS, new opportunities social innovation, health & well being, local services agendas Tackling youth unemployment (NEETS) including Youth Employment Initiative Getting our people back to work Social growth and connectivity Employer engagement, including apprenticeships Skills for growth LCR long tradition social innovation, strong social ent sector LCR Employment and Skills Board Investigate appropriate use of CLLD in a few areas Track record delivery via VCS, new opportunities social innovation, health & well being, local services agendas
LCR priorities Produce more More enterprises More jobs Local people into jobs Produce more More enterprises More jobs Local people into jobs
NW Finance (June 2013) Area£m€mGDP€ p head Cheshire G Manchester Cumbria Tr Lancashire Tr Liverpool Tr £million at 0.86/1.16 (but now is 0.73p)
Youth Employment Initiative Only a few areas (Liverpool, parts of NE, Birmingham, London...) Extra £21m for 2014 and 2015 for NEETs in Liverpool City Region £21m YEI plus £21m ESF plus £14m Match Only a few areas (Liverpool, parts of NE, Birmingham, London...) Extra £21m for 2014 and 2015 for NEETs in Liverpool City Region £21m YEI plus £21m ESF plus £14m Match
Lottery Funding AreaAll EUESFLottery G Manchester35677 Cheshire Lancashire Cumbria Liverpool £million
Applying for Funds On your own With other organisations Calls Opt Ins Skills Funding Agency (April??) Dept for Work and Pensions Big Lottery (8th June?) On your own With other organisations Calls Opt Ins Skills Funding Agency (April??) Dept for Work and Pensions Big Lottery (8th June?)
Opt In £ thousands Accelerator150ERDF MAS300ERDF UK TI350ERDF SFA24,000ESF DWP5,000ESF Lottery2,500ESF
The Calls for England Purdah March (plus 31st) 124 Calls £1 billion pounds (£939,045,000) 4 Calls for Liverpool, £93m (ie 10% of all calls) £51m ESF £12m Enterprise £15m Innovation £15m Low Carbon Plus £0.2 MAS, £0.4 UKTI, £0.150 Growth Accelerator Purdah March (plus 31st) 124 Calls £1 billion pounds (£939,045,000) 4 Calls for Liverpool, £93m (ie 10% of all calls) £51m ESF £12m Enterprise £15m Innovation £15m Low Carbon Plus £0.2 MAS, £0.4 UKTI, £0.150 Growth Accelerator
March Calls £m Area LowCInnovSMESFBBESFAll Cheshire M’ter Cumbria Lancashire Liverpool
ERDF ex-Opt Ins £k Area MASUKTIGAAll Cheshire ,450 M’ter7503,0003,750 Cumbria1,000 2,000 Lancashire2,0001,2002,0005,200 Liverpool
Deadlines England - Stage 1 6th May SFBB 8 for £26m 6th May MAS, UKTI, GA 3 for £50m 20th May Low Carbon 18 for £91m 22nd May ESF 18 for £235m 27th May Research and Innovation 34 for 205m 29th May SME 33 for 243m 6th May SFBB 8 for £26m 6th May MAS, UKTI, GA 3 for £50m 20th May Low Carbon 18 for £91m 22nd May ESF 18 for £235m 27th May Research and Innovation 34 for 205m 29th May SME 33 for 243m
Headlines 500k minimum ERDF 100k minimum for ESF BUT - preference for large, strategic, partnership bids Apply online - 10 day wait so register now Make sure the LEP knows you are bidding 500k minimum ERDF 100k minimum for ESF BUT - preference for large, strategic, partnership bids Apply online - 10 day wait so register now Make sure the LEP knows you are bidding
Eleven Themes Innovation ICT SME competitiveness Low Carbon Climate Change Environment and Resource Efficiency Sustainable Transport Employment Social Inclusion Skills (Institutional Capacity) Innovation ICT SME competitiveness Low Carbon Climate Change Environment and Resource Efficiency Sustainable Transport Employment Social Inclusion Skills (Institutional Capacity)
Low Carbon - L’pool PA4 Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy 4b Energy efficiency/renewable energy in enterprises 4c Energy efficiency/smart energy mgt/renewables for public buildings & housing 4e Low carbon strategies all types, esp urban areas 4f R&D in adoption of Low C technologies Blue/Green Portfolio Only those needing an early decision (expect total less than £15m) Must be genuinely collaborative Cover all Liverpool City Region PA4 Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy 4b Energy efficiency/renewable energy in enterprises 4c Energy efficiency/smart energy mgt/renewables for public buildings & housing 4e Low carbon strategies all types, esp urban areas 4f R&D in adoption of Low C technologies Blue/Green Portfolio Only those needing an early decision (expect total less than £15m) Must be genuinely collaborative Cover all Liverpool City Region
Research & Innovation- L’pool PA1 Promoting Research & Innovation 1a Enhancing R&I 1b Promoting Business Investment in R&I Innovation Portfolio especially Liverpool Knowledge Quarter and Daresbury LCR 12 strands, 4 sectors Health & Well Being Sustainable Growth Advanced Manufacturing Creative Content & Digital Capabilities £10.25m Consortia - 1 bid per focal sector £5m Capital projects - demonstrate must start now PA1 Promoting Research & Innovation 1a Enhancing R&I 1b Promoting Business Investment in R&I Innovation Portfolio especially Liverpool Knowledge Quarter and Daresbury LCR 12 strands, 4 sectors Health & Well Being Sustainable Growth Advanced Manufacturing Creative Content & Digital Capabilities £10.25m Consortia - 1 bid per focal sector £5m Capital projects - demonstrate must start now
Small & Medium Enterprises- L’pool PA3 Enhancing competitiveness of SMEs 3a Increase entrepreneurship, particularly in areas with low levels of enterprise activity & amongst under-represented groups. £6m 3c Increase growth capacity £6m Complement (not duplicate) Business Growth Service Integrate with single point of access to Growth Hub Business startup programme, 36 months post start-up, business mentors, engagement services to specific groups, including women, social enterprises, high growth support Comprehensive City-wide consortia Start with no charge, progressively introduce commercial charges PA3 Enhancing competitiveness of SMEs 3a Increase entrepreneurship, particularly in areas with low levels of enterprise activity & amongst under-represented groups. £6m 3c Increase growth capacity £6m Complement (not duplicate) Business Growth Service Integrate with single point of access to Growth Hub Business startup programme, 36 months post start-up, business mentors, engagement services to specific groups, including women, social enterprises, high growth support Comprehensive City-wide consortia Start with no charge, progressively introduce commercial charges
ESF- L’pool PA1 Inclusive Labour Markets 1.1 Access to employment for jobseekers & inactive people 1.3 Sustainable integration into labour market of young people YEI 1.2 Sustainable integration into labour market of young people Minimum £100k ESF Provide own match YEI to complete by end July 2018, others by end December 2018 Cover the whole of Liverpool City Region YEI definition NEETs, living Liverpool CR, aged Likely PA1 Inclusive Labour Markets 1.1 Access to employment for jobseekers & inactive people 1.3 Sustainable integration into labour market of young people YEI 1.2 Sustainable integration into labour market of young people Minimum £100k ESF Provide own match YEI to complete by end July 2018, others by end December 2018 Cover the whole of Liverpool City Region YEI definition NEETs, living Liverpool CR, aged Likely
ESF £m ESFYEIAll SFA DWP2.1- Lottery2.5- Calls Calls now £50.8m due to lower exchange rate
SFA expected ESF £m ESFYEI Employability/job related training Digital & functional skills1.3 Skills show0.3 Responsive skills fund6.0 Apprenticeship promo0.3 Community Grants1.3 Labour market intelligence0.3 IAG info0.4
ESF Calls - 1 ESFYEI Coaching & mentoring - 8w unemp4.2 IAG1.5 ILM 6 mo1.4 ILM 12 mo1.8 At risk of NEET0.6 Flex integrated support - adults10.0 Support YP detached from services2.0
ESF Calls - 2 ESFYEI Long term intensive mentoring 1.4 Support YP into enterprise1.3 Travel support - YP1.7 Travel support - all0.9 HE4.2 6 months temp jobs YP3.8
Two Stage Process (logasnet) Stage 1 (gateway) Eligible Applicant Eligible expenditure and activity Fits with ERDF Programme, and the call Stage 2 (core) Strategic fit Value for money Management & control Deliverability Procurement/tendering State Aid Non public sector financial checks Stage 1 (gateway) Eligible Applicant Eligible expenditure and activity Fits with ERDF Programme, and the call Stage 2 (core) Strategic fit Value for money Management & control Deliverability Procurement/tendering State Aid Non public sector financial checks
Governance Liverpool CR LEP and sub-committees, E&S Board - no VCSE reps European Commission says if LEP level sub-committees, then must have partners fully involved, as in the Regulations New sub-committee (of National Cttee) VCSE Reps nominated by Network for Europe through VS6 (was Merseyside ChangeUp), including CVSs and other infrastructure organisations) “Liverpool City Region Local EU Sub-Committee” Two VCSE Reps (out of seventeen) Also new Technical Group “EU Partnership Group” One VCSE rep out of eleven Liverpool CR LEP and sub-committees, E&S Board - no VCSE reps European Commission says if LEP level sub-committees, then must have partners fully involved, as in the Regulations New sub-committee (of National Cttee) VCSE Reps nominated by Network for Europe through VS6 (was Merseyside ChangeUp), including CVSs and other infrastructure organisations) “Liverpool City Region Local EU Sub-Committee” Two VCSE Reps (out of seventeen) Also new Technical Group “EU Partnership Group” One VCSE rep out of eleven
Liverpool City Region Local EU Sub-Committee Liverpool City Region Local EU Sub-Committee VCSE Reps Tony Okotie (LCVS), Rosie Jolly (SEN) LEP (Chair) Private Sector x 3 Local Authority x 3 Employment and Skills x 1 HE Sector x1 FE Sector x 1 Local Transport Body x 1 Local Growth Team (DCLG) x 1 Environmental x 1 Rural x 1 TUC x 1 VCSE Reps Tony Okotie (LCVS), Rosie Jolly (SEN) LEP (Chair) Private Sector x 3 Local Authority x 3 Employment and Skills x 1 HE Sector x1 FE Sector x 1 Local Transport Body x 1 Local Growth Team (DCLG) x 1 Environmental x 1 Rural x 1 TUC x 1
EU Partnership Group VCSE Rep Andy Churchill Local Authority (with link to Regen Directors) x 3 Chamber of Commerce HE Sector Skills Transport DCLG ESTA LEP VCSE Rep Andy Churchill Local Authority (with link to Regen Directors) x 3 Chamber of Commerce HE Sector Skills Transport DCLG ESTA LEP
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