Metabolic Pathways But first…
Labs and Lesson Plans How to Write Lesson Plans
Labs and Lesson Plans What is helpful in a lesson plan? What area of science Goals (Students will:) Benchmarks
Labs and Lesson Plans Information to put it together How long it will take to assemble How much it will cost initially
Labs and Lesson Plans How long, how much for additional years? Cost for consumable supplies Time for set up, lesson, clean up, improve and store
Labs and Lesson Plans Background – Introduction and Discussion Introducing this topic, presenting the information your students need to achieve goals of this lesson plan
Labs and Lesson Plans Background, Introduction, Discussion Spend time researching and writing this section. Quick read in following years, and you are up to speed.
Labs and Lesson Plans Directions Clearly written, step by step directions students follow to achieve stated goals Include any data sheets needed for completion of this lesson plan
Labs and Lesson Plans Wrap-up Review of discussion material Review of experiment Review of Data What does it mean?
Labs and Lesson Plans Assessment Evaluating what students gained from this particular experience Evaluating student preparation for benchmark testing
Labs and Lesson Plans Transformation What are the underlying concepts that this particular lesson emphasizes? Without transforming the specifics of this lesson to the general concept, students rarely make that connection
Metabolic Pathways How cells function
Global Warming Climatic Cycles Glacial Periods Global Warming Causes? Gases in atmosphere Carbon Dioxide Methane Nitrous Oxide Water Vapor Milankovitch cycle
Global Warming Carbon Dioxide Use of fossil fuels Burning rainforest Methane Rice paddies Livestock (cows) Nitrous Oxide Nitrogen based fertilizers Industry
Global Warming Milankovitch cycle Eccentricity ~100,000 years. Obliquity ~41,000 years; 21.5° to 24.5° Precession ~26,000 years.
Eccentricity Distance to the sun 100,000 year cycle Winter in North at Perihelion, and therefore shorter than summer Low eccentricity of High eccentricity of Mean eccentricity of Present eccentricity Moving towards low centricity - warming Perihelion Aphelion
Obliquity Tilt of the Axis 41,000 year cycle Minimum tilt is 21.1º Maximum tilt is 24.5º Currently at 23.5º Tilt is decreasing - cooling
Precession Wobble like a top Completes the wobble every ~21,000 years Other “north stars, Thuban in Draco and Vega in Lyra Top 10 sec Top Both 33 sec Both
Milankovitch Cycles These three cycles, in combination, can alter climate Eccentricity Obliquity Precession Milankovitch 2.38 min Milankovitch
Global Warming Other Factors Volcanos Gases Particles in air reflect sunlight energy
Gaia The Gaia hypothesis is an ecological theory that proposes that the living matter of planet Earth functions like a single organism. ecologicalorganism
Equilibrium Maintained though various cycles
Cycles In a dynamic system, there are many different cycles For example, the water cycle
Other Important Cycles Rock Cycle Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Phosphorous Cycle Calcium Cycle
Oxygen Cycle Hypothesized to have originally poisoned Earth’s organisms by changing the atmosphere Produced ozone High Energy Electron Accepter
Cellular Energy ATP production
Cellular Respiration It takes energy to form molecular bonds Energy is released when bonds are broken ATP is packaged in discrete units usable by the cell
Cellular Respiration Glucose is a simple sugar we get in our food and is the energy source Breaking the bonds of Glucose yields 36 ATPs
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration Complex series of reactions sent though the electron transport chain to harvest electrons from sugar and donate to oxygen Three Stages
Cellular Respiration Glycolysis Outside mitochondria Produces 2 ATP per glucose molecule Ancestral ATP + 4 ATP = 2 ATP
Cellular Respiration Kreb’s Cycle Inside Mitochondria Produces 2 ATP for each glucose molecule
Cellular Respiration Electron Transport Chain Electron Transport Chain Inside Mitochondria Produces ~32 ATP per glucose molecule32 ATP
Cellular Respiration Needs Oxygen Waste Product CO 2 C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 → 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + Energy E O Tutorial
Photosynthesis Basically, the opposite pathway of cellular respiration needs CO 2 waste product O 2 E 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O Energy C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O
Photosynthesis Using sunlight energy, carbon dioxide gas, and water, forms glucose bonds in the chloroplasts
Photosynthesis Gas exchange in plants Leaf is generally photosynthetic organ of plant
Questions? BJShaw – Megatherium americanum, Museo de la Plata, La Plata, Argentina 2008