Our hobbies Tomi and Egil
What can we do in Juankoski? Indoor sports: Indoor sports: Floorball Floorball Indoor football Indoor football Futsal Futsal Badminton Badminton Volleyball Volleyball Dance Dance Outdoor sports: Outdoor sports: Football Ice-Hockey Skiing Snowboarding Tennis Finnish Baseball Athletics
Floorball Floorball is very popular sport in Finland. Floorball is very popular sport in Finland. Especially we play floorball for fun, not so much for competition. Especially we play floorball for fun, not so much for competition. In little towns it’s hard to find a team because there are not so many players in each age group. In little towns it’s hard to find a team because there are not so many players in each age group.
Ice-hockey Ice-hockey is the most popular winter sport in Finland. Ice-hockey is the most popular winter sport in Finland. Especially teenage boys usually play it after school. Especially teenage boys usually play it after school. In Finland, there is an outdoor ice rink in every town. In Finland, there is an outdoor ice rink in every town. Playing in a team is hard because games are played only in indoor rinks. Playing in a team is hard because games are played only in indoor rinks.
Football Football is played very much in summer. Football is played very much in summer. Football is the most popular sport in Finland. Football is the most popular sport in Finland. Even in little towns like Juankoski they have their own football team. Even in little towns like Juankoski they have their own football team. In winter you can play football indoors. In winter you can play football indoors.
Snowboarding and downhill skiing Many people like to snowboard and downhill ski in winter holidays. Many people like to snowboard and downhill ski in winter holidays. The closest skiing centers from Juankoski are Tahko, Kasurila and Maarianvaara. The closest skiing centers from Juankoski are Tahko, Kasurila and Maarianvaara. Russian tourists come to Finland to ski and snowboard. Russian tourists come to Finland to ski and snowboard.
In Juankoski you can book up the school gym and exercise or play anything you wish. Volleyball Badminton Indoor football Basketball Gymnastics Floorball