Overview of enhancement cavity work at LAL/Orsay INTRO: Optical cavity developments at LAL Results on optical cavity in picosecond regime Polarised positron source R&D effort Developments for compact Compton X-ray source (ThomX) INTRO: Optical cavity developments at LAL Results on optical cavity in picosecond regime Polarised positron source R&D effort Developments for compact Compton X-ray source (ThomX) 1 ECFA Linear Collider Workshop, Hambourg, may 2013
Introduction Instrumentation developments around laser- electron beam interaction at LAL since ~2000 (accelerator physics applications) – 2000: cw cavity finesse for the 30GeV electron beam at HERA/DESY (Coll. DESY, CEA) – ~2005 we started an R&D on Optical cavities in picosecond regime for a polarised positron source 2006: start collaboration with ATF group of KEK 2008: optical cavity for gamma-ray production on ATF/KEK – Coll. CELIA/KEK/LMA – 2011: optical cavity for X-ray production for the equipex ThomX/LAL Instrumentation developments around laser- electron beam interaction at LAL since ~2000 (accelerator physics applications) – 2000: cw cavity finesse for the 30GeV electron beam at HERA/DESY (Coll. DESY, CEA) – ~2005 we started an R&D on Optical cavities in picosecond regime for a polarised positron source 2006: start collaboration with ATF group of KEK 2008: optical cavity for gamma-ray production on ATF/KEK – Coll. CELIA/KEK/LMA – 2011: optical cavity for X-ray production for the equipex ThomX/LAL 2
High Finesse Fabry-Perot cavity in 2ps & 200fs regime Experiments at LAL with E. Cormier & K. Osvay Experiments at LAL with E. Cormier & K. Osvay 3
4 1ps Pulsed laser Fabry-Perot cavity with Super mirrors Electron beam Fabry-Perot cavity in pulsed regime Difference between continuous and pulsed regime
5 T. Udem et al. Nature 416 (2002) 233 Pulsed_laser/cavity feedback technique Specificity properties of passive mode locked laser beams Frequency comb all the comb must be locked to the cavity Feedback with 2 degrees of freedom : control of the Dilatation (frep) & translation (CEP phase) n = n r + 0 n~10 6 T=2 / r State of the art (Garching MPI) : ~70kW, 2ps stored in a 6000 finesse cavity (O.L.35(2010)2052) ~20kW, 200fs CEP phase
n 2-Mirror Fabry-Perot cavity Finesse ~ Mirror Fabry-Perot cavity Finesse ~ Orsay setup: Picosecond/High Finesse Ti:sapph oscillator (~0.4nm spectrum) Orsay setup: Picosecond/High Finesse Ti:sapph oscillator (~0.4nm spectrum) DAQ VERDI 6W 532nm MIRA AOM Serial RS232 Driver +/- Amplifier TRANS Front-end EOM Driver +/- PDH #1 Front end grating AOM M2 PZT M1 MOTOR Pound-Drever-Hall Scheme Transmission Signal Laser Length Control Laser Δφce Control Driver SLITS PDH #2 Front end Driver
7 2-Mirror Fabry-Perot cavity FI EOM AOM Chiller GTI Ti:Sapph Lyot filter Starter PZT IDW Slit Pump laser Ti:sapph oscillator PDF2 PDF1 PDR Slit Multiple Beam Interferometer PDT Water cooling Digital Feedback PDH PZT filter AOM filter SM CCD Stabilized He-Ne Feedback loop to piezo Imaging Spectrograph Frequency Counter CEP effects measurement in picosecond/high finesse regime CELIA, LAL, SZEGED Univ. CEP effects measurement in picosecond/high finesse regime CELIA, LAL, SZEGED Univ. 2ps Ti:Sapph (75MHz) Locked to a ~30000 finesse cavity No control of the CEP drift in the feedback loop 2ps Ti:Sapph (75MHz) Locked to a ~30000 finesse cavity No control of the CEP drift in the feedback loop CEP measured with Karoly’s interferometer Numerical feedback loop BW= kHz BW ~1MHz under development Numerical feedback loop BW= kHz BW ~1MHz under development
8 Measured enhancement factor Variation of the pump power laser/cavity coupling measurement effective enhancement factor CEP measurement Variation of the pump power laser/cavity coupling measurement effective enhancement factor CEP measurement Freq. Comb fit With F~30000 Freq. Comb fit With F~30000 60% enhancement factor variation if CEP phase [0,2 ] for 2ps & ~30000 Finesse CEP phase must be also controled in high Finesse/picosecond regime Feedback loop BW must be>200kHz (on Frep at least) 60% enhancement factor variation if CEP phase [0,2 ] for 2ps & ~30000 Finesse CEP phase must be also controled in high Finesse/picosecond regime Feedback loop BW must be>200kHz (on Frep at least) F=45000 F=15000 F=3000
9 Fiber yb laser Same experiment with Yb fiber laser at Orsay (8nm spectrum) Same experiment with Yb fiber laser at Orsay (8nm spectrum) 4 mirror non planar cavity Cavity mirrors: T~20ppm Finesse~25000 Fiber laser frequency noise issues feedback bandwidth>1MHz Very stable laser/cavity Locking ‘Secondhand’ vacuum vessel We had dust issued laser/cavity coupling ~50% ( Net power gain ~7500*50%) Next week: new mirrors T~8ppm ( F~43000) fiber amplifier (CELIA) : 50W Summer 2013 installation of ATF at KEK Cavity mirrors: T~20ppm Finesse~25000 Fiber laser frequency noise issues feedback bandwidth>1MHz Very stable laser/cavity Locking ‘Secondhand’ vacuum vessel We had dust issued laser/cavity coupling ~50% ( Net power gain ~7500*50%) Next week: new mirrors T~8ppm ( F~43000) fiber amplifier (CELIA) : 50W Summer 2013 installation of ATF at KEK
E. Cormier ICAN 2012 (CERN) Towards 1 MW average power G = W fiber laser CELIA F = FP cavity LAL Stored average power of 100 kW to 1 MW
Polarised positron source Experiment at KEK Collaboration with ATF/KEK and CELIA to provide Yb fibre amplifier (10W 60W average power) Experiment at KEK Collaboration with ATF/KEK and CELIA to provide Yb fibre amplifier (10W 60W average power) 11
12 KEK cavity French Japanese Collaboration KEK cavity French Japanese Collaboration Araki-san +I. Chaikovska, N. Delerue, R. Marie LAL + J. Lhermite from CELIA
Results at KEK 2 flat mirrors 2 spherical mirrors e-e- laser 12 encapsulated Motors Non planar 4-mirror cavity mechanical stability 4-mirror cavity circularely polarised eigenmodes Non-planar geometry mechanical stability 4-mirror cavity circularely polarised eigenmodes Non-planar geometry
Four mirror non-planar cavity Results before the earthquake Finesse 3000 & 10W incident laser power Detection of ~30MeV gamma-rays Results before the earthquake Finesse 3000 & 10W incident laser power Detection of ~30MeV gamma-rays Re installation during summer 2013 New fiber Laser Cavity Finesse Laser power 50W 100W Re installation during summer 2013 New fiber Laser Cavity Finesse Laser power 50W 100W
Monochromatic X-ray source ThomX Experiment at Orsay CELIA in charge of high average power amplifier Experiment at Orsay CELIA in charge of high average power amplifier 15
ThomX ~7m ~10m IN2P3 Les deux infinis Résonateur optique
Geometry for ThomX Mechanical stability 4-mirror cavity Linear polarised modes Planar geometry Mechanical stability 4-mirror cavity Linear polarised modes Planar geometry Point d’interaction
Summary Ti:sapph 76 MHz 1ps Ti:sapph 76 MHz 1ps 1.6m ORSAY KEK cavity 4m Yb 35.7MHz ~15ps Yb 35.7MHz ~15ps Yb 180 MHz 0.2ps Yb 180 MHz 0.2ps ThomX 8m Achieved Gain~10000 Laser coupling ~80% Low laser power <1W Achieved at ATF in Gain~1000 Laser coupling ~60% laser 10W-50W Laser amplification stability Achieved at Orsay with new laser Finesse Coupling ~50% Laser power<100mW Immediate improvement Finesse Coupling >50% Laser power>50W Expected stored power>300kW Foreseen end Gain ~10000 Laser coupling ~80% Laser power W 400kW
19 results F=3000 F=15000 F=30000 F=45000 Measurement Only 3 free parameters in the fit: a normalisation factor, an offset and the Finesse Only 3 free parameters in the fit: a normalisation factor, an offset and the Finesse
20 We observed strong free running laser/cavity coupling variations (Finesse~30000) We observed strong free running laser/cavity coupling variations (Finesse~30000) Fit: Frequency comb + ce variations Only 3 free parameters in the fit: a normalisation, an offset the Finesse Fit: Frequency comb + ce variations Only 3 free parameters in the fit: a normalisation, an offset the Finesse Laser/cavity coupling 25% coupling variation over ~15min CEP measurement
A technological issue: huge requested laser power Priority : High X/g ray Flux (spectral purity ~few %) Electron ring (ThomX) Priority : High X/g ray Flux (spectral purity ~few %) Electron ring (ThomX) Priority : High X/g ray spectral purity <1% ( applications) LINAC (ELI-NP) Priority : High X/g ray spectral purity <1% ( applications) LINAC (ELI-NP) ~20MHz e-beam/laser collision frequency Optical resonator to increase the laser power High cavity gain & High laser average power ~20MHz e-beam/laser collision frequency Optical resonator to increase the laser power High cavity gain & High laser average power ~100Hz e-beam/laser collision frequency Optical recirculator of a high peak power laser pulse High laser peak power & high nb of passes ~100Hz e-beam/laser collision frequency Optical recirculator of a high peak power laser pulse High laser peak power & high nb of passes 21