Effective Meeting Agendas
Why? Guide Focus Etc. What? Purpose Topic Etc. How? Think Write
Why? GuideFocusChecklist Preparation for participants
What? PurposeOutcomeTopicsPresenter Time Allotment
Why meeting? Write down purpose & outcome Topics? To meet the purpose and outcome Who? Presenter for topic Time? For each topicHow?
And then? Send out the Agenda including o Date, time and place for meeting o Reminding people to be in time and be prepared for meeting o Material for topics
Next Step Using the sample agenda given to you as a model, you will create an authentic meeting agenda. Please follow the directions on the agenda task.
Agenda Task I Each team member will count off (total number of participants divided by 3) to form triads. With your triad, work together and think about things that are up-coming for a future office meeting.
Agenda Task II Your task is to build a mini-agenda by writing two outcomes (using the appropriate language), one of the outcomes must be related to a decision or agreement the team must make. The other outcome does not need to be a decision but must be more than just a discussion – such as analyze data, give recommendations, etc. For each outcome you will then decide on the processes you would use to achieve that outcome and estimate the time you would allocate on the agenda for each outcome based on the process. Record your mini-agenda on chart paper to share with the larger group. You will have 20 minutes to accomplish the task.
Gallery Walk After your triads have worked together, conduct a gallery walk to view the work of the other triads in your team. As you walk around and look at other group’s agendas, we want you to view them through 2 lenses: First lens – as a member of the team who would be participating at the meeting? Second lens – as a colleague who is also writing and building meeting agendas?
Whole Group Debrief What worked for you? What was challenging? Other comments?