Development of WIPOSTAD Progress report by the International Bureau Committee on WIPO Standards Geneva May Anna Graschenkova Industrial Property Information Officer
- 2 - Plan Background Content and functionality of WIPOSTAD User roles WIPO Standards Surveys on IPO practices Glossary Search Further development
- 3 - Background WIPOSTAD project was launched in late 2008 Integrated database for WIPO Standards, Examples and IPO practices and Glossary Effective access to required information Easier preparation, publication and maintenance of materials Improved accessibility Promotion of use of WIPO Standards Progress reports at SDWG/11 and CWS/1 WIPOSTAD was launched in July 2011 Beta version at For test purposes
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- 6 - Content of the WIPOSTAD WIPOSTAD is an integrated system which contains: WIPO Standards Surveys on Industrial Property Offices (IPO) practices Glossary of terms concerning industrial property information and documentation
- 7 - User roles Set of functional features, as well as published materials, available to a user is determined by his role assigned by User Administrator: Public No login, all published materials are available (“read-only”) Editor Permission to create new versions of Standards and edit them Task Force member Permission to view draft documents (“read-only”) Survey respondent Permission to access IPO Dashboard, i.e., to respond to the Survey on behalf of the IPO Translator Publication Administrator
- 8 - WIPO Standards WIPO Standards can be accessed from four pages: Current Standards list of Recommendations currently in force All versions of current Standards (as from 2009) history of changes from 2003 to 2009 in PDF format is also accessible from WIPOSTAD Standards referenced in other Standards Archives outdated materials or documents incorporated in active ones
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WIPO Standards Current Standards page For each WIPO Standard there are three links: [view] – Standard in WIPOSTAD format (html) [pdf] – Standard in PDF format [history] – list of revisions (after 2009) with possibility to compare two versions
WIPO Standards All versions of WIPO Standards all versions of WIPO Standards with more details (presentation and content depend on user role): version number, adoption date, status, possibility to compare versions history of annexes
WIPO Standards Standards referenced in other Standards Archives
Surveys on IPO practices Survey on ST.22 implementation and promotion, carried out in 2011, is the only one published in WIPOSTAD so far. Previous surveys are available in Part 7 of WIPO Handbook. WIPOSTAD Survey contains the following parts: Questionnaire in PDF Individual IPO responses (as submitted) Collated results automatically created Survey report
Surveys on IPO practices – IPO Dashboard IPOs participating in the WIPOSTAD Survey access online questionnaire via IPO Dashboard (a page with restricted access). Questionnaire in PDF format Links to online questionnaire in English, French and Spanish Login information Office’s response
Glossary Alphabetical list of basic terms used in industrial property information and documentation with definitions.
WIPOSTAD Search Simple search Search for words and phrases Use wildcards and Boolean operators Available on the left-hand side of the screen Advanced search Focused search results combining various parameters: Common parameters (search term, language) Parameters for Standards (IP type, adoption date, version status, etc.) Parameters for Surveys (IPO, year) Search results Grouped in three sections: WIPO Standards, Surveys, Glossary items
Advanced Search interface
Search results …
Further development Migration to production version We welcome your feedback – Functionality test Follow-up to functionality test (end of 2012) New sections in Surveys on IPO practices: Annual Technical Reports Use of WIPO Standards
Thank you for your attention. Questions? Anna Graschenkova