Disability/Disorder Research By PresenterMedia.comPresenterMedia.com
Choose a disability or a disorder to research and then present to the class in a power point presentation. Think about: one that you or someone you know has OR something that is interesting to you. Complete the “topics handout” and be sure to explain WHY you are choosing each of the topics on your top 3 list. You must have your topic approved and no one in the same class can have the same one! Once the disability is chosen and approved by the teacher, students will begin to research. Topics Step One
You have two days in the computer lab to complete your research on the topic you have chosen. Take notes in your own words from credible websites. All notes are handwritten – do not print pages in the lab. Notes and information must be taken from reliable sources and all URLs and other information on the sites must be recorded in order to complete a works cited page in MLA format. Check the works cited examples in order to see what information you need to record from the sources you will use. Requirement: two pages of hand written notes in your writer’s notebook for points. Computer lab research StepTwo
Notes will be due and worth points after two days in the computer lab. Using your notes you must complete the rough draft organizer for your power point presentation. Each slide is represented on the organizer. Organizer – includes the information and the graphics that you will be using on your power point. 1. Organizing Ideas Step Three
Take all of your sources (websites and any others) and following the MLA format create a Works Cited. Use the handout in your writer’s notebook to complete the Works Cited page to turn in for points. Examples: There are also websites that help you create a correct MLA citation as long as you have the relevant information: Easy Bib Son of Citation Machine 2. Works Cited Step Three Achenbach, Joel. "America's river." Washington Post. 5 May July Newspaper Article (Newspaper Website) "Langston Hughes Poetry Circles." February National Council of Teachers of English. 10 March Web page (Professional Organization)
Take your rough draft organizer and create your power point. Two computer lab days to complete this. Power Point must be saved in your class folder on the x-drive. Power Point: Content-Six slide presentation contains the following: checklist is as follows: _____Title slide with name of disorder/disability, name of presenter and class period _____Definition/explanation of disorder/disability _____Causes _____Symptoms _____Cures/controls _____Effect on everyday life _____A minimum of two relevant graphics that add information and/or explain **Overall, power point was informative and included relevant details, information and graphics. __________ / 30 Power Point Presentation Step Four
6 slides total: includes title slide and 5 content slides Relevant Graphics: 2-3 Graphs, pictures, charts, diagrams, word art, etc. These need to ADD information or explanation to the topic Content Slides: Key Words - do not write in paragraph form You should have a notecard with excess information on it that you will share with your audience while you are presenting. Power Point Requirements Step Four - continued
You will be presenting your power point to the class. There will be 4 “mini-classrooms” within the class. There will be 8 presenters a day and you will share your power point 4 times (once to each “classroom”) You will use notecards and prepare to present (practice). You will be graded on your presentation skills as follows: Power Point: Presentation – Delivery and knowledge of topic. ______ Information was accurately, interestingly, and clearly presented ______ Student used all the time provided effectively. ______ Eye contact was made with the audience, didn’t read the ppt or the notes. ______ Voice level was loud for all to hear, used varied tones of voice. ______ Body language and posture were strong and confident. **Overall, the presenter: _____ Was very knowledgeable, and did not read powerpoint; _____ Read the powerpoint, and did not elaborate; OR _____ Somewhere in the middle __________ / 25 Presentations – 1. Speaking Step Five
As an audience member you have a responsibility to be an active and engaged listener. You will evaluate presenters on their power points and presentation skills using a checklist. You will receive a grade for this as follows: Evaluator/Listener: Completing peer evaluations for peers and listening to peer presenters. ______ thoughtful and constructive compliments and critiques ______ respectful and supportive of peers __________ / 15 Presentations – 2. Listening and Evaluating Step Five
Any Questions?
Create a slide for each of the following: Definition/ Explanation of disease, genetic disorder Causes Symptoms Cure/ Control Effect on everyday life Other interesting information that could be included to help others better understand the topic: facts, scientific innovation For your topic
Once you have your topic bring it to me. Once your topic is approved begin research. Do not forget to take notes and copy down the URL!!!!!! Good Luck Topics and Research
Topics – If you have been approved begin your research. If you have not yet turned in a topic you have the next 20 minutes to research disorders and disabilities of your choice. Once you find a topic please come and see me for approval. At the end of that time I will be assigning topics to you. Notes – take handwritten notes in your writer’s notebook. Include the following in your research: Definition/ Explanation of disease, genetic disorder, Causes, Symptoms, Cures/ Controls, Effect on everyday life and any other interesting information that could be included to help others better understand the topic: facts, scientific innovation ****These notes are due on Thursday before beginning your power point! **** Do not forget to take notes in your own words and copy down the URL!!!! Research Day One: Today in the lab
Notes – take handwritten notes in your writer’s notebook. **These notes are due on Thursday before beginning your power point! **Relevant graphics – add information or explain ** Include the following in your research: *Definition/ Explanation of disease, genetic disorder, *Causes, *Symptoms, *Cures/ Controls, *Effect on everyday life and Any other interesting information that could be included to help others better understand the topic: facts, scientific innovation ****Do not forget to take notes in your own words and copy down the URL!!!! Research Day Two: Today in the Lab
PowerPoint Etiquette