Ideas to integrate technology in the foreign language classroom By: Teresa M. González Gorrín IB Spanish Teacher
Comics Links Use them in: Practice vocabulary in a fun way Retelling stories
Microsoft Publisher Wonderful tool to : Create a brochure Create a newsletter A Magazine
Crossword Puzzles Links etupForm.asp etupForm.asp Use them in: Reading comprehension questions Vocabulary activities Have them use picture clues with the help of word
Photostory/ Movie Maker Students really enjoy creating videos for class projects in virtually any unit we have done videos in class of: Biographies and Autobiographies The city / geography The school The house The Family Health and Nutrition Legends Examples
Listening comprehension activities Links These are wonderful videos and podcasts useful to teach a second language. Students love listening to real situations, watching real tv clips and filling out their sheets with the right answers. It is also current events so students connect with the content better.
Wikis and Facebook Groups Links t/ t/
Other interesting and fun websites Links ?lang=uk ?lang=uk ang=es ang=es