By: Caden Krager
My name is Juan Ponce de Leon. I am a Spanish explorer and soldier. I can’t wait until I get to sail with Christopher Columbus. It is my first time to the new world but it is his second time. I am sailing from Puerto Rico and leaving March 3 rd.
In 1506 I found the island of Puerto Rico and its old name was Borinquen. I am going to look for riches and the fountain of youth. When we reached the new world we were in Florida. I named it Pascua and that means the feast of flowers. I was the first European to set foot in Florida.
I searched for a long time in Florida trying to find riches. After being there we met a mean tribe and they said that we needed to leave. My explorers and I sailed back to Puerto Rico. Later I decided to sail back to Florida to build a town. When we were trying to build the town we ran into the mean tribe again and we were in a fight with the Native Americans.
I was hurt in the fight and so we decided to leave again. We returned to Havena Cuba and I later died from my wounds. I was buried in San Juan Puerto Rico. THE END THTT TTTTTT