Financial Information Management Stefano Grazioli
Critical Thinking Office hours posted on web site Dreamspark on your Mac 9am on Thu. VirtualLabs inaccuracies – extra credit Easy meter
Renaming a Project 1.Unzip & Make a copy of the folder 2.Keep only the folder that contains the.vbproj file and all its contents. Delete the rest. 3.Change the name of that folder to the new name. 4.Click on.vbproj to start VS and change all filenames from inside VS.
You do the talking Name, Major Learning objectives What you like about the class What can be improved Attitude towards the Tournament
Financial Information Management Procedures Lasagne and Tagliatelle
SUBroutines are Recipes
Procedures: Sub A procedure is a named sequence of steps Purpose: reusing & simplify existing code (reduce total cost) Good practice:shorter than a single screen Sometimes it takes arguments Subs and Functions “Macro” is an old name for procedure, and it is often used in industry to refer to procedures written for MS applications such as Excel. A procedure is a named sequence of steps Purpose: reusing & simplify existing code (reduce total cost) Good practice:shorter than a single screen Sometimes it takes arguments Subs and Functions “Macro” is an old name for procedure, and it is often used in industry to refer to procedures written for MS applications such as Excel. Public Sub MyProcedure(myNumber As Integer) Dim sum As Integer = 0 For i As Integer = 1 To myNumber sum = sum + i Next ShowTheUser(sum) End Sub Private Sub ShowTheUser(someNum As Integer) Application.ActiveCell.Value = _ "The result is " + someNum.ToString("N0") End Sub
Variables (data) Variables are names for physical places in your computer memory Variables have a lifecycle Variables have a scope Globals vs Locals Find the vars in here Globals? Locals? Variables are names for physical places in your computer memory Variables have a lifecycle Variables have a scope Globals vs Locals Find the vars in here Globals? Locals? Dim sum As Integer = 0 Public Sub MyProcedure(myNumber As Integer) For i As Integer = 1 To myNumber sum = sum + i Next ShowTheUser() End Sub Private Sub ShowTheUser() Application.ActiveCell.Value = _ "The result is " + sum.ToString("N0") End Sub
Procedures: Functions outputoutput Private Function CalcInterest(r As Double, principal As Double, t As Double) _ As Double Dim interest as Double = 0 interest = principal * ((((1 + r)^t) - 1) return interest End Function Return a single value Conceptually similar to the formulas in your worksheets Return a single value Conceptually similar to the formulas in your worksheets inputinput
Argument Binding ‘ A function Private Function CalcInterest(r As Double, principal As Double, t As Double) As Double … ‘ No binding myInt = CalcInterest(0.05, 1000, 10) ‘ With binding (typical use) myRate = 0.05 userPrincipal = 1000 years = 10 myInt = CalcInterest(myRate, userPrincipal, years) Often difficult to understand for beginners
Arguments vs. Globals Arguments are considered a best practice Arguments have shorter lifecycle -> more efficient With arguments, changing variables is made more explicit -> less errors A global is a variable defined outside of a Sub/Function Use globals if variables have an extended life, are small, and are used by many procedures
Financial Information Management WINIT What Is New In Technology?
Financial Information Management Homework Using Subs & Functions