Project consortium P1 Aalborg University Denmark Media convergence technologies P0 Latvijas Telekomunikāciju asociācija Latvia Project co-ordinator P2 Ventspils University College Latvia Adapting of technologies and development of course P3 Kaunas University of Technology Lithuania Digital TV technologies and testing in Lithuania P4 J.SmilgasTehnoloģiskais birojs Latvia Methodology and testing in Latvia P5 Tallin Polytechnic School Estonia testing in Estonia
Total Budget: EUR ,00 LdV Programme grant 75%: EUR ,00 Partner's own funding 25%: EUR ,00
The aim of the project to create a new Education Course of Digital TV Technologies for Vocational Education Shools for telecommunication industry companies current needs, as well to increase the volume of cooperation between higher and vocational education systems and telecommunication industry.
The objectives of the project a survey of telecommunication operators needs, in order to implement Digital TV technology in vocational education. A survey about existing vocational education courses in the field of television technologies.
The objectives of the project adapting of Digital TV technology training course to vocational education level developing the skills and competence of teachers in the field of Digital TV technologies testing of Digital TV training course in the vocational education schools in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
Target groups of the project 2 schools in Latvia 2 schools in Lithuania 1 school in Estonia 10 teachers total in all Baltic countries 30 pupils total in all Baltic countries CMI Learning center clients in Denmark Employees of telecommunication enterprises – participants of life long courses Participants of summer school in Ventspils
Expected results National overview of potential users needs and specific for Digital TV technology education course content in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia The Digital TV technology education course – first version Evaluation methodology and form
Expected results Overview of evaluation results in every country Report of International summer schools report Final version of the Digital TV technology education course in Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, English languages Use guidelines for teachers and pupils in Latvian,Lithuanian, Estonian languages
Expected results The project webpage The project brochure and the ISS brochures Participation in conferences and exhibitions
Expected impact Short term impact Teachers – new education program Pupils – knowledge about Digital TV technology Baltic countries region – modern Digital TV technology education course Long term impact: Teachers – new knowledge about modern Digital TV technology, possibility to improve competence, the latest information in telecommunication field Pupils – competence and knowledge in telecommunication field, possibilities for job in telecommunication enterprises Employers – well qualified employees Baltic countries region and other European countries – better co-operation possibilities in telecommunication field
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