Many university courses involve science, medicine or technology. Chemistry is usually part of these courses. Choosing chemistry keeps options open. Chemistry can be hard to pick up as a new subject at 3 rd level. It is worth taking at least one science subject. Why pick Chemistry?
Chemistry opens doors to many careers. It is a highly regarded subject at both school and college level. Chemistry graduates can end up in a wide variety of careers including; Research Medicine Pharmacy Banking Accountancy Engineering Patenting The list is endless……
From school and/or university - Scientific and technical knowledge Numeracy IT and technology IT and technology Communication Project and time management Employability skills
The course has a lot of varied content including: 1. Atomic structure 2. Volumetric analysis 3. Organic chemistry 4. Water chemistry 5. Reaction mechanisms. Content of Course
There are 28 mandatory experiments that must be completed and recorded over the two years Plenty of experiments
Paper has two sections Paper has two sections Section A Answer at least 2 out of 3 questions based on 28 compulsory experiments – 25% Section B Answer a maximum of 6 out of 8 questions – 75%. Two questions have a choice within them. One question is based on an optional topic which we always do. Good choice on the Paper
Typically > 70% get a C or higher 80% do Higher level In Loreto most students do higher level Chemistry HL National Figures
You need to be able to do calculations, know basic algebra. You do not have to do H.L. maths for the leaving. Do you need to be good at Maths to do Chemistry?
To do higher level chemistry you should have an honour in higher level Junior Cert Maths (preferably an A or B). This is not compulsory, but you will probably find the subject difficult or opt for Ordinary level. People who are good with logic and numbers tend to enjoy chemistry.