JOURNAL Jesus said to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” -Matthew 7:12 What do you think of this definition of justice? Is it good enough for your life? Is it good enough to govern a community? How could you build a government around this definition?
MORE BIBLICAL DEFINITIONS OF JUSTICE Old Testament mishpat: giving everyone their due (protection, care, punishment) tzadeqah: “primary justice”: living in right relationships 10 Commandments New Testament Jesus – the Golden rule: anticipating the needs of others in determining our behavior toward them Paul – justice: restoring humanity’s broken relationship with God and each other through salvation (via Jesus)
TWO THINKERS – TWO APPROACHES Augustine Neo-Platonist Aquinas Aristotelian
ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO Roman provinces in Africa (modern day Algeria) Studied philosophy Rhetoric teacher (in Rome, Naples) Converted to Christianity later in life Monk, Priest, Bishop of Hippo Up until Aquinas: is preeminent thinker in Christian church
FROM AUGUSTINE’S CITY OF GOD In response to the excerpt: For your highlighted question only, answer both #1 and #2 in COMPLETE SENTENCES. You have 8 minutes!
WHERE HIS OPINIONS COME FROM - Augustine’s Theology: original sin true justice = love of and submission to God human will (after the fall) is defective – pursues love of self at all times Predestination God is omniscient for the elect: grace to put love of God before love of self is given City of God vs. Earthly City
WHERE HIS OPINIONS COME FROM - Augustine’s Political Philosophy: Humans (before the Fall) in their natural state = cooperative, exist in harmony and equality with each other Humans (after the fall) = social cooperation is impossible; avarice and greed rule and are at their peak in the desire to rule others (i.e. the State) 3 Things to Know about the State: 1. product of sin 2. means of limiting human destruction 3. tool for discipline on Earth State serves a divine purpose rebellion is never okay
THOMAS AQUINAS ; Italian Dominican Friar Academic (in some capacity) all his life: tutor professor writer Most famous work: Summa Theologiae explanation of church theology reasons for the beliefs History of philosophy Christian ethics Discussion of Law The most influential writer in Catholic church.
AQUINAS ON GOVERNMENT Man is social and cooperative (because of his reason/rationality) and NEEDS good society There are many suitable governments; best are ones guided by wise rulers dedicated to common good Best government = kingship because it mirrors God’s relationship with humanity About kings: Job = create a kingdom that encourages virtue Not necessarily instruments of God’s will if they are tyrants then they should be overthrown Should submit to the spiritual guidance of the pope
FOUR KINDS OF LAW Eternal – divine providence Natural – natural inclination and reason Human – created by states Divine – revealed in the Bible What’s the purpose of each kind of law?
PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT How does Augustine view the role of a state? How did Plato view it? How did Aristotle view it? Which view most closely matches your own?