GO GREEN! BUY GREEN! Copy Paper Training Series #2
Green Your Office Every purchase that PSU makes has an environmental, human health and community impact. In FY 09 PSU spent well over $[total] on paper alone Paper is an easy way to GO GREEN! BUY GREEN!
Why should you care? 100% recycled content 0 trees! 5 less cars 57% less water 2 less homes 50% recycled content 398 less trees 2 less cars 29% less water 1 less home Virgin Paper 528 trees CO2 of 11 cars/year 423,265 gal water Energy to power 7 homes a year Buying Recycled = Less Impact Compare 816 cases of virgin paper from Office Depot from Environmental impact estimates were made using the Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator. For more information visit
Why should you care? PSU Climate Champions! Certification [what points are available?] By reducing paper use & choosing recycled paper you are helping to: Reduce the strain on natural resources Keeps valuable materials out of landfills Strengthen green industry and supports recycling jobs Clear Cut Forest, Plumas County, CA /sir/2007/5011/
What to look for Recycled Content – 100% PCW (Post Consumer Waste) is best Processed Chlorine Free – No chlorine or chlorine compounds were used in the papermaking process. - Certified by Chlorine Free Products Association (CFPA) Sustainable Forestry - Look for FSC certified
Boise Aspen 50% or 100% Grays Harbor Office Depot Envirocopy Office Max Recycled Multipurpose And many more!!! Brands of paper to consider
Places to find greener paper Office Depot: online Your Greener Office or hardcopy catalog – The GreenBook Office Max - EcoEasy Staples - Ecoffice Peter’s Office Supplies ABC Office Products Office Products NW Blue Ribbon Ask your favorite office supplies vendor for their green product catalog!
Contracts Buy off a PSU contract or price agreement as these prices are significantly lower than retail. There are many contracts negotiated by the State or other public agencies that provide paper at much more affordable prices. Contact Purchasing and Contracting for more information
Reduce Consumption By reducing your paper consumption you can offset the cost of recycled paper. Give unwanted one-sided printouts a second chance as draft paper. (NOT CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS) Dedicate one of the trays in the printer for printing with draft paper
Paper reduction success CITIGROUP Conducted a 5 week test of setting copier defaults to double-sided: Estimated savings of: $860,000 on paper costs alone and $11.2 million on all purchasing, handling and disposal costs annually (EDF, 2004).
Top 10 Paper Reduction Tips 1.Become conscious of your paper consumption. Do you have ideas about changes you can make to use less paper? 2.Print and copy on both sides of the paper (duplex). 3.Save space and paper by storing your documents electronically. 4.Send, request and circulate electronic copies instead of paper.
5.Use Print Preview to only print the pages you need instead of an entire document. 6.Use the "Tools/Track Changes" function to edit and share documents electronically for review. 7.Give paper a "second chance" by using the back side of already printed paper for draft and internal documents, or to stock the paper tray in your fax machine. NOT CONFIDENTIAL DOCS!
8.Make one-sided “oops” print outs into scratch paper pads. 9.Before printing, check to remove blank pages, consolidate with extended margins or smaller type- size, and print graphics on an "as-needed" basis. 10.Print multiple images per sheet for PowerPoint slides or drafts. For example 4 slides per side, double sided, instead of one slide, single sided will save 7 sheets of paper.
Printing services Take a look at your publications and mailings: Can you reduce the font size, reduce the margins, use lighter weight paper? Allow people to have the option to download an electronic copy it as an attachment. Think about the types of materials and processes offered by your printing company: Are they using recycled paper? Do they offer soy/vegetable based inks? Do they have energy and water conservation policies?
Need more help? Purchasing questions? Buy Green Coordinator: Stacey Balenger Paper reduction questions? The Green Guide [link to be inserted] Contact your department’s Green Team member PSU EcoWiki -