1 Making Our Church a House of Prayer! P. Douglas Small Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY
2 Our Goals for the Evening! Share stories of what God is doing through prayer. Watch a short video on Community Transformation by united prayer. Talk about the need for prayer and the joy of prayer. Share the vision for prayer ministries in the congregation. PRAY! - into the vision for a greater prayer ministry in the Congregation!
3 Our Schedule for the Evening 7:00 pm Welcome 7:10 pmTell the stories of what is happening in other congregations that have become intentional in developing a prayer ministry. 7:25 pmShow one of the shorter Transformation videos 7:45 pmShare the vision for prayer ministries in the church 8:00 pmPray… 8:30 pmBreak into small groups (4 to 7 people). Ask each member to share “What is your passion for prayer and prayer ministries?” 8:45 pmGeneral Sharing. Wrap up and summary by the leader.
4 An Opening Session of Prayer We announced an evening to talk about prayer ministries, and I am delighted that you came. What brought you here? Let’s pray that to God! Pray like this … pray one at a time … “God when I heard about this meeting…my heart leaped…I knew you were calling me to this… I want to see … I believe you are … ”
5 What is happening in Congregations that are Committing themselves to become Houses of Prayer?
6 The following video is a brief summary of two longer videos revealing amazing community changes when Christians and churches commit to passionate prayer!
Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY – P. Douglas Small A 30 Month Process – TRANSFORMING THE CHURCH INTO A HOUSE OF PRAYER 7 Casting the vision for our church to become a praying church! Presentation by Prayer Leader or Pastor
Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY – P. Douglas Small A 30 Month Process – TRANSFORMING THE CHURCH INTO A HOUSE OF PRAYER 8 Praying Our Vision What do you envision happening in our church by prayer? Rather than talk about it - Let’s pray that to God one at a time! Pray like this! “God, the desire of my heart is to learn to pray…so many of us want a closer walk with you…Lord, would you teach us to pray? … By faith, I see ________ happening in the prayer ministry of our congregation!”
Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY – P. Douglas Small A 30 Month Process – TRANSFORMING THE CHURCH INTO A HOUSE OF PRAYER 9 Sharing our Prayer Passion Break into small groups (4 to 7 people). Ask each member to share “What is your passion for prayer and prayer ministries for our congregation?” Have someone in each group record the responses.
10 Wrap - up Have each group give a report of their discussion. What are the prayer ministry dreams revealed in your group discussion? Use a marker board to collective list the ideas of each group? Have each group hand in a list of their suggestions. Close the evening in prayer. Thank him for inspiring the group, for bring them together. For what is going to happen in the congregation through prayer!