RADIATION Radiation is the transfer of heat transferred through electromagnetic waves. This type of heat transfer can be observed on sunny days. Most electromagnetic radiation form the sun is in the form of visible light. FUN FACT These frequencies are interpreted by our brain as colors.
CONDUCTION Is the transfer of heat from one molecule to another within a substance. When heat is transferred through conduction it flows from warmer to cooler regions and will transfer more rapidly with greater temperature differences.
CONVECTION Is the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid. Convection transfers heat vertically into the atmosphere. HEAT RISES COLD FALLS
CONVECTION CONTINUED Convection is due to the sun heating Earth. The heat absorbs water shown by when there is a drought the water dries up and ground is cracked.
ENERGY BY THE SUN Energy from the sun will effect the ocean tide. Also the moon has an effect on the tide and gets its light from the sun.
CRUST The thin outer layer of the earth is where we live. The continental crust is made up of rocks that consist primarily of silica and alumina called the ‘sail”
MANTLE Mantle is much thicker than the Crust, it is three thousand kilometers deep. It is made up of slightly different rocks with a lot more magnesium and iron Magnesium has 12 protons and 12 neutrons Iron has 26 protons and 30 neutrons
Eleven thousand degrees fahrenheit OUTER CORE The earths outer core is made up of iron and nickel. it is very hot in the outer core. Ranging from 4400 to 5000+ degrees Celsius. In America that equals Eleven thousand degrees fahrenheit
INNER CORE The earths inner core is made up of iron and nickel. It is under immense pressure. So much pressure, that even though it is so hot, it is solid.
QUESTIONS CHRIS What is the very inside of the earth? What is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves?
QUESTIONS LIAM What is the definition of convection? How does the air transfer energy from one region to another?
Resources Google images Prentice hall Science explore inside earth