About Us 365 IT Consultancy and Projects Pty (Ltd) is a value added Information Technology company supplying and implementing hardware and software that are complimented by the provision of associated support services and solutions. 365 IT Consultancy and Projects Pty (Ltd) provides IT solutions for companies of all sizes, servicing all requirements including hardware, software, networking and supporting systems, thus enabling customers to deliver innovative, competitive solutions built on Microsoft technologies. HEAD OFFICE (MPUMALANGA) Reg. Number: 2014/083462/07 Income Tax Number: B-BBEE Level: IT CONSULTANCY AND PROJECTS PTY (LTD) DIRECTOR: LOUDICK MOLOI
CORPORATE PHILOSOPHY There is nothing we value more than the fundamental truth that technology is never static, we believe that cost effective projects can only be achieved through accurate and on-going creative and cost-effective systems that deploy easily on all environments. MISSION STATEMENT To excel at implementation of the best IT solutions by continuously refining our response decisions to complex problems and adverse situations through focusing on the following deliverables: entrenching a professional approach to creating a comprehensive solutions understanding and adopting to our clients’ unique needs creating solutions that are innovative, integrated, cost-effective, and practical 365 IT CONSULTANCY AND PROJECTS PTY (LTD) DIRECTOR: LOUDICK MOLOI
STRATEGY Capacity to quickly modify and customize our service offering Ability to attract and engage quality personnel and associate consultants Ability to implement and commit to best practices in all our engagements Ability to foster lasting partnerships with our clients and leverage on the outcomes Ability to assess customer needs effectively and develop radical but relevant solutions Continuous focus on outcomes and results We focus on unlocking value by leveraging on the strength of our vision We thrive in build collaborative relationships with our clients We have cultivated an understanding that every threat and every weakness identified is an opportunity to improve our thinking and build our response capabilities. 365 IT CONSULTANCY AND PROJECTS PTY (LTD) DIRECTOR: LOUDICK MOLOI
Company Background 365 IT Consultancy and Projects Pty (Ltd) is a Microsoft Partner. The goal of our company is to place high priority on continuously strengthening and improving our expertise and technological skills and resources across a wide range of Information technology. With the need for greater mobility, agility and better data management increasingly driving the dynamic workplace, SMBs today are learning to appreciate the benefits cloud computing can bring to their businesses. Yet, some SMBs still struggle to understand exactly what cloud computing can do for them. Enter Microsoft Office 365, an all-inclusive productivity solution that delivers familiar Office applications coupled with powerful enterprise class communications and collaboration capabilities in a cloud-based subscription service you can easily use. 365 IT CONSULTANCY AND PROJECTS PTY (LTD) DIRECTOR: LOUDICK MOLOI
Ownership and Control Director: Loudick Moloi Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate ID: Microsoft Partner ID: Scope of work: Our Desktop, Laptop & User IT Support package ensures that all of your PCs run smoothly, both now and well into the future, protecting your investment in your organisation's infrastructure. The package includes: Regular maintenance inspections Security patches, updates and reboots Antivirus and malware protection Telephone and helpdesk Regular onsite visits* Hardware and Software's supply* * Optional element, you choose what's best for you Meet Our Client Masibuyisane Services (Pty) Ltd 365 IT CONSULTANCY AND PROJECTS PTY (LTD) DIRECTOR: LOUDICK MOLOI