By: David D
Chapters 1-3 When Tess first sees the writing on the church wall with the four fours she wonders what it means. Richard is mad at her for telling on him for cheating on a test
Continued Richard took out pages of her journal where her assignment was. Her history teacher talks about the history of graffiti. The four fours on the wall add up to be 15, 14, 1,18,19
Chapters 4-7 Richard stole Tess's book bag Lucia stole candy from a store Tess writes on the wall with a pen Tess asked her grandpa what onars means
Continued They think it stands for ARSON Tess goes to an art shop and buys paint sticks to write on the wall Tess writes W-H-E-R-E and Miranda draws a hose to the sunflower.
Chapters 8-10 When Tess and Miranda first wrote on the wall Miranda drew a hose to the flower and someone else drew a knife cutting it. When Tess’s question is answered with 4^4- 4!-4!= 208 which means arson
continued Tess interviews Mr. Z about the fire in the room. Tess blames Lucia or Mr. for the fire that was started in Mr. room. Tess gets a juice box put in her hood by Eddie, one of Richards friends.
Chapters Tess almost got into a fight because a lie that was made up. When Tess looked at the wall there were 5 more problems. Tess writes on the wall and circles the problem that spells who and an arrow to the word arson
continued Tess asked Lucia why she steals and she said because she’s good at it. When Tess checks the wall there were 4 more sets of numbers.
Chapters Ms. Belford finds Tess's paint sticks Tess was told to go the councilors office Tess’s punishment is Four days of suspension And has to clean up Graffiti off the school Walls.
continued Tess’s parents ground her from talking to friends and writing a not to minister of the church Tess thinks Marcus started the fire in Mr. Z room because Mr. Z made fun of Marcus.
Chapters Tess’s found out that Lucia wrote the four 4s on the wall. Tess’s opinion piece was put into the school paper. While cleaning the graffiti of the stalls Tess found a mermaid painted on the door. Tess asked Lucia how she knew Marcus started the fire. Lucia said that she walked in the room when he did it.