A Digital Timer Implementation using 7 Segment Displays
Arsalan Arif Maryam Ikram Fahad Tariq
A digital display which consists of seven LED segments is commonly utilized to display decimal numerals in digital systems. Various familiar illustrations are electronic calculators and watches where one 7-segment display device is utilized for displaying one numeral 0 through 9. To use this display device, the data has to be converted by some binary code to the code essential for the display. Frequently the binary code utilized is Natural BCD.
Decimal Digits Input Output ABCDabcdefg
A = B‾ D‾ + BD + CD + A
B = B‾ + C‾D‾ + CD
C = B + C‾ + D
D = B‾D‾ + CD‾ + B‾C +BC‾D
E = B‾D‾ + CD‾
F = A + C‾ D‾ + BC‾ +BD‾
G = A + BC‾ + B‾C+ CD‾