Rising 6 th Grader Orientation Dates – Thursday, August 6 th A Group: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. B Group: 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Each group will be determined once all students are finalized in FOCUS
Current Duval County Students: Complete Enrollment Form Course Selection Sheet Students new to Duval County: Enrollment Form Immunization Record Current grades/transcripts Physical Form Social Security Card
Summer Reading Lists will be published on our website by June 1 st ; Reading and Math Enrichment may be mandated if students performance data requires placement Schedule changes are only available if student is enrolled in the wrong academic course Students must pass all classes and maintain a 2.0 GPA to return to Darnell-Cookman for subsequent years
Credit for Algebra I is awarded with a passing score and the overall grade is calculated in student’s cumulative high school GPA, this applies even if the course is taken in middle school. Students MUST pass the Algebra I state EOC in order to graduate from a public school in the State of Florida. Private school, home schooled, and out-of-state students will be tested in October of Students can retake the test as needed.
If a student’s 9 th grade entry year is or later, the Geometry, Civics, and Biology EOC count as 30% of their overall average for that course. Any student who earned credit in Algebra I, Civics, Geometry or Biology from a private school, home school or out-of-state during or prior to the school year, must take the EOC for credit to be transferred. If transferring from private school, home school, or out-of- county, please submit copies of EOC score reports with transcripts.
Parent Pick-up/Drop-off: students arrival time is 7:50 A. M. and pick up must be prior to 3:10 P. M. School day: Classes begin at 8:10 A. M. and dismissal is at 2:55 P. M. Early check-out: Adult with picture ID must be listed on the student’s blue card in order to check a student out of school. All early check-out must occur prior to 2:25 P. M. Absences: Attendance is expected everyday. A note for absences must be provided. Please check the district Student Progression Plan for what is considered an excused or unexcused absence
FOCUS: New parent and student portal to access grades, attendance, and teacher notes. Passwords remain the same if you currently have one, new students will receive log-in information at August Orientation Teachers Communicate quickly via . All addresses and phone extentions can be found on our website Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences: Scheduled through the Guidance Office on an as needed basis only. Parents should communicate directly with Ms. Bennett, Guidance Clerk, via or phone in order to schedule a parent/teacher conference, teachers do not schedule their own conferences
Darnell-Cookman Website: Contains updates, contact information for teachers, and frequently used links. School Calendar Can be found on our website’s homepage. Subscribe to the extended to have it downloaded into your outlook, android, or iCal each day. D-C Weekly Update: Brief newsletter that is ed every Sunday night, containing weekly events and information. Parent Link: Phone relay system used for important messages.
Dress Code Shorts/skirts at or below fingertips No sleeveless shirts/tank tops Pants should sit at waist and should not have rips or holes No leggings or jeggings No hats IDs Must be worn at all times with proper lanyard ID’s are required to ensure the safety of all students, faculty, and staff and will be strictly enforced each day New IDs are $7.00, and must be purchased each time a student forgets his/her ID.
Discipline Honor Code: Honesty, Respect, Responsibility & Integrity Referrals will result in parental contact plus appropriate discipline Mulitple tardies to school will result in discipline Backpacks All students can carry a back pack Cell phones/electronics BYOD campus Not to be used in classroom without teacher permission unless related to curriculum School is not responsible for stolen, broken, or lost electronic device
Lockers Every student has access to a hall locker for $5.00 (PE lockers are handled through the Physical Education department) No outside locks may be used on school lockers PE Uniforms Every student in PE must purchase a locker for $5.00 Students are required to wear a Darnell–Cookman PE uniform, which is available for purchase during orientation. Student Services Location of the student clinic. Medications are only dispensed with written parent authorization Students can make calls home and turn in bus notes
Thank you for your attendance!