Emergence of Shadow Banking in China JOHN POWERS 12/9
Abstract of Report Examines the emergence of China’s shadow banking institutions Fundamental and structural reasons behind the growth of shadow lending in credit markets Accuracy of risk modeling methods Determination that risks may be overstated due to relative size of the economy and unique structure of financial system
Introduction Traditional Banking: Commercials banks, mortgages, business loans, student loans, lines of credit etc. Fractional Reserve Banking: Emergence of Central Banks in 1600’s. Reserve requirements developed. Lender of last resort role established. Heavily regulated but successfully regulated.
Shadow Banking “Shadow Bank” term coined by economist Paul McCulley in Refers to lending by non-bank financial intermediaries. Not subject to traditional banking regulations. Credit expansion driven by complex financial instruments, business to business lending, securitization vehicles etc.
Inherent Risks Revealed Innovation allows for expansion of credit not hindered by Central Banks, traditional bank regulation Extraordinary complexity in financial instruments Important role in 2008 Global Financial Crisis Inadequate Risk Modeling Financial Contagion and lack of lender of last resort
Emergence in Chinese Economy 1978 reforms by Deng Xiapong started process the economic reforms. Second stage of reform in late 1980’s Mono Bank -> Multi-tiered Banks 1995 Charter for People’s Bank of China Monetary Stability, Banking Supervision, Oversight of Payments System 1999 Commercial Lending outside of government interference (formally)
Motivations for Lending Specialization, innovation, regulatory arbitrage Not burdened by central chain of lending Tight regulatory measures on commercial banking, lending, and scope of access in China. Large populace unbanked Social, economic and technological advancement outpacing Chinese Financial System
Lending vs. Lending Target (Seminar, 2013)
Trust Asset Growth (Seminar, 2013)
Instruments Wealth Management Products, Trusts, Off Balance Financial Transactions
Risk Modeling Extremely difficult because of complexity of instruments and system of delivery Trial and error method Constantly evolving system Sectors cannot be isolated from systemic risks Transparency an important component
Risks Overstated Near Term Chinese economic makeup fundamentally different than Western Economies High Savings Rates Relative Complexity of Instruments Unbanked Populace Tight Regulation Economic Inequlity
Conclusions Expansion of credit needed for much of the populace Shadow Banking may fill an important role that tight regulation creates Risks may be overstated for the near future Reforms in Traditional Banking System still needed.