S OLAR -P OWERED H OUSE M ODEL BY: Samantha Lai, Ninna Limjoco, Rheanna Cayetano, and Armina Guelas
M ATERIALS U SED FOR B UILDING THE M ODEL Cardboard box Solar Panels -One for powering the fan -One for the small light bulb A motor for the fan
A BOUT THE T WO P ANELS Solar Panel A- produces DC electric currents to power the fan Solar Panel B- Has a DC electrical output for the L.E.D. light bulb.
M ODEL S CALE VS. L ARGE -S CALE It uses the same process. It takes in the sun’s energy rays and converts it into energy. On a model-scale, it only needs the direct currents (DC) to power the fan and the L.E.D. light bulb, while on a larger scale, the direct currents need to go through an inverter to be converted into alternating currents (AC). SimilaritiesDifferences
B IBLIOGRAPHY solar_electricity/basics/how_pv_cells_work.htm solar-panels-work